Nigerian Dwarf Goat Kids Fall of 2022


Mar 6, 2022
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None of your beeswax!
Hi everyone! I've been busy but I thought I would take the time to share the kidding experience!
We have a disease clear tested milk tested herd of Nigerian dwarf goats.

Our first goat was due on the 14th (day 145). She finally decided to lose her ligaments (two pencil-like ligaments on either side above the goat's tail that are unfealable within 12-24 hours of the goat kidding). She has been on and off contracting science 10. Beds down and digs a bit. Eats a little hay. If she hasnt kidded by about 4:00pm today or a little after, the vet will come out and get the kids pulled out. She had a perfect kidding with 4 live kids teh the first year, but last year and the year before, she lost half of her 4 kids due to complications. This year we will have the vet come out if she doesn't kid within the next few hours so we can hopefully save all of the kids! I will update best I can and send pictures!!
These were her 2 survivors last year. The lighter one is a buckling and the darker one is a doeling.

Can’t wait to see. I love Nigerian dwarves
Congrats! I hope everything goes well! They look adorable
Twin bucks are all... Bucks AGAIN... This fall, we have had a single buck, twin bucks, and now twin bucks again...

The vet had to pull them both out and we are retiring the doe. She is a freak anyway, she was abused by the previous owner. She makes her kids scared too...

Both have brown eyes which stink too lol. Easier to sell with blue eyes.

They are REALLY cute though lol. (Talking actual color and not goat color lol) One is white with brown and black specks and one is black with white patches.

I will post pictures sometime today.
Oh my gosh their just so adorable...
They are a really cute pair. Hopefully, they'll sell right away. Dusty is due Christmas eve and she is HUGE she had 3 last year and is REALLY big again. We will be keeping a girl or two from her if she has them. Star Garnet (sticking with a Christmasy rock name as we will this year) (who was born last December) is due on the 29th. She looks like she has twins. Lapis is due who knows when but expecting some time this month only has one- she was ultrasound.

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