New shrimp tank

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Pet of the Month 🎖️
Dec 31, 2022
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
I am cycling this 5 gallon tank to house 20 fire red cherry shrimp of mix sex to be ordered from The Shrimp Farm. I hope to breed between 75-100 new shrimp. I will sell the excess to my LFS.
Welcome to the club.

Load this tank with plants, woods, leaves.

Get taller plants so they will have a lot more space than just roaming on the bottom. also find a tall piece of moorwood with lots of branches
The plants are too symmetrical in their placement. Would like it better if they put different plants on left and right.
For sure, it would start with a much lower number of plants, The calculated cost of plants and wood in there is insane for a 5 gallons.
I’m sure you will enjoy your new shrimp. Expect your first berried female a couple of months after you introduce them to your tank, unless you get lucky and acquire one already berried. That seems to be about average for me when I add new shrimp to a new tank. Are you going to do tap water or are you going to do RO/DI water and remineralize?
Welcome to the club.

Load this tank with plants, woods, leaves.

Get taller plants so they will have a lot more space than just roaming on the bottom. also find a tall piece of moorwood with lots of branches
Thanks. I will have to look up what moorwood is.
I’m sure you will enjoy your new shrimp. Expect your first berried female a couple of months after you introduce them to your tank, unless you get lucky and acquire one already berried. That seems to be about average for me when I add new shrimp to a new tank. Are you going to do tap water or are you going to do RO/DI water and remineralize?
My tap has a GH of about 200 ppm.
Thanks. I will have to look up what moorwood is.
Shrimps are a little like birds, they don't like to "fly" all the time. If they have perches everywhere, they are going to use them.
My new orange dwarf crayfish has come out of hiding. He is keeping company with shrimp.
Well, I ordered 20 grade AA cherry shrimp from a place called The Shrimp Farm. CURTIS, THE OWNER, IS A VERY NICE GUY. The shipment was supposed to contain 14 females and six males. unfortunately instead of the shipment taking 2 to 3 days to arrive, it took 5 1/2 days. Four of the 20 shrimp were DOA. THE REMAINING SHRIMP ARE VERY STRESSED AND ARE COMPLETELY BROWN IN COLOR. I HAVE HEARD THAT it CAN TAKE A FEW WEEKS FOR THE CHERRY RED COLOR TO RE-EMERGE FOLLOWING A STRESSFUL DELIVERY. I HOPE SO.
Sorry to hear you lost some fish due to excess shipping time. did they credit you for DOA?

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