New Scape And Stocking


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2010
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Hi all 

So I have had my fluval roma 125 for quite a while now, been through various aquascapes, some more successful than others but was looking for a bit of a change as I have been giving my tank a thorough clean as I seem to have been having a snail problem the past few weeks.
Here's a pic of my tank in it's roughly current state;

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I have the standard 2 x T8 bulbs with an external aquamanta efx300 filter, dosing daily ferts (without co2) and my current stocking is;
5 Cardinal Tetras
4 Glowlight Tetras
2 Leopard Corys
Unfortunately relatively recently I lost both of my GBR's and 6 of my leopard corys, I thought the problem with the cories might have been a lack of oxygen in the tank but I'm unsure. I'd like to get more leopard corys and cardinal tetras soon but what else would you guys suggest? I might rehome my glowlight tetras to an alternative tank to make room for more new fish in this tank. I was looking at a hillstream loach that looked really nice in my LFS but I don't think it would suit my tank in case I don't have a good oxygen level. I might also getting something that eats my snails in case I do have another outbreak!
I'm also looking to rescape my tank slightly, what would you guys suggest for this? I would like to stick with low lighting (although I would possibly change to high lighting if it is necessary) daily ferts and no co2 as I have been having some success in this compared to other alternatives I have tried before!
Any advice welcome and thanks 
i would check your stats of the tank, probably something is a miss and causing your fish it die.
pop in a bubblier if you think you don't have enough oxygen, but with a planted tank a bubblier isn't really needed.
look at your cories, are they healthy looking or skinny, maybe you haven't been feeding them enough. also they need an established tank before being added, the same goes with any fish.
I have had everything out of the tank recently to give it a good old clean, stuck things back in and all has seemed good for the past month or so hence why I was looking at getting things back on track with my tank in terms of restocking and re-scaping.
My two remaining cories look healthy and have seemed that way for the past month since I cleaned everything out. They weren't added to my tank for a very long time until my tank was established, I've had it for nearly a year now.
So I've been doing a bit of digging around today and been wondering whether or not anyone would think it would be worth upgrading my lights to two T5 lights instead of my T8 lights to help plant growth but still withouth co2?
Your Java Fern looks fantastic. Very lush and healthy. Some low light plants I have had a lot of success with are, Hygrophilia Corymbosa, Hygrophilia Stricta, Cryptocoryne Wendtii, Amazon and Tropica Sword. 
I would also suggest sticking a black backing on your tank, will really bring out the greens in your plants. :)
I have three T8 globes, and also thinking of changing to T5, but not too sure how to go about it!?

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