New Fish Scared of the Light


Fish Fanatic
Mar 18, 2005
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Queensland, Aust.

I got two large Silver Dollars yesterday and where I got them from was probably not the best place - tanks covered in algae but fish looked very healthy and happy. The tank I got the Silver Dollars from had a heavy coat of algae - barely any light able to penetrate it, sort of thing. I know, I know, I shouldn't have gotten them from that sort of place but I felt sorry for them and could only afford the two - they were in a school of about 10. I'd say they had lived in that tank for a long time as he was the breeder.
I put them in my nice clear tank and all they do it hide in the plants, but when I turn the light off they then come out and swim around and have a ball, the moment I turn the light on again they just sit under a plant and don't move. They did that for the whole day today, turned it off tonight and they are swimming around. Will they eventually get use to the light on or do I have to accept that my tank will always look a bit bare if I have the light on?
Thank you.
Living in tank covered in algae they most probably got used to living in the dark. It will take them some time to get used to their nice new clean home. I'm sure that in a day or so they'll be swimming around happily in the light.

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