New 75 Gallon! Need Some Ideas

Byron said:

FarKing has answered the QT (quarantine tank) question.  I do it a bit differently, because I have all my tanks in one room so it is easy to have a small tank permanently running that I use just for new fish acquisitions. But you can have an empty spare tank only used when new fish are acquired.
My apologies if I jumped in.
I tried having one permanently's now permanently stocked 

I can see this happening again!  
You didn't "jump in," that's what makes this forum valuable, having different ideas from more members.


Thank you too :)
Thank you both for the sound advice! It turns out that the Apistos I introduced into the 29gal were diseased... So it turns out I really should have QT the fish. So both of you were right to start with. I may be hard headed at times but will admit when I am wrong. After looking up at which disease it could have been, I came to no conclusion. After going to the LFS (Petsmart), I was instructed to purchase the Marineland All-In-One remedy. So far after day 5 (this is the last day of treatment), I had no fish loss since introducing the remedy. I am hoping it will continue to do so. The Nitrates seems to be hovering around 30 when I last did the water change which was 6 days ago. Anywho, just wanted to say a big thank you for the advice. I am hoping once my 10gal is cycled I will be able to use it as a QT even though it is pretty small to be one. image-30-09-15-01-05.jpeg
After looking up at which disease it could have been, I came to no conclusion. After going to the LFS (Petsmart), I was instructed to purchase the Marineland All-In-One remedy. So far after day 5 (this is the last day of treatment), I had no fish loss since introducing the remedy. I am hoping it will continue to do so.
Fish disease diagnosis is a very difficult subject.  There are a few diseases, like ich, velvet, fungus, that are fairly easy to spot.  But internal protozoan issues, bacterial issues and some others are next to impossible even for trained aquarists.  My point here is that without disrespect to the employee, staff in Petsmart are not likely to be able to diagnose diseases except the obvious.  If you can find a local store owned and/or staffed by aquarists, you may fare better.  But it is still a very difficult issue.  And catch-all treatments do not cure much of anything, except by mere good luck and strong healthy fish that can fight these things off naturally, but these can have quite a detrimental effect on some fish, so be careful.
Apistogramma are very sensitive fish, and water conditions are extremely important.  Not saying this was the issue, but it could have been, or been a contributor with something else like an internal protozoan that can never be identified without dissection by a biologist or microbiologist.
I should also caution you concerning where you acquire fish.  I will not longer buy fish from any chain store.  I have had three, maybe four, very serious issues and all brought in by fish from such stores.  I believe it may be the suppliers these stores use, or the stores themselves, doesn't matter.  I lose most of them in QT now, since I learned the hard way to QT new fish.  But the losses have been so substantive that I simply refuse to walk through their doors.  Fish I acquire from other sources live for years, with rarely a single loss, and spawn like crazy.  The co-incidence is just too obvious.
Here's my current QT tank setup with a male and female Golden Panchax
For some reason it wouldn't let me embed the picture.  Let me know if the link doesn't work.
That looks great!! They seem like very peaceful fish!
Thank you :)  I saw no reason why a QT tank couldn't at least look nice, and it helps to set the fish at ease too.
They are pretty peaceful most of the time, until food arrives or when housed with smaller fish.  They're very predatory.
I believe it serves a nice gesture to the tank. I wonder tho, do have plans of putting more fish into any of the tanks you have now?

Far_King said:
Thank you
 I saw no reason why a QT tank couldn't at least look nice, and it helps to set the fish at ease too.
They are pretty peaceful most of the time, until food arrives or when housed with smaller fish.  They're very predatory
Sounds pretty great to me! So no plans of putting more into this tank or others?
No more plans currently.
The killie's will move to my large display tank as soon as the QT for the female is over and by then the Platy fry that are in there should have reached a size large enough to no longer be a meal.
It's mainly stocked with larger fish but not so many top level and the Killie's will fit right in.
My only plans are for shrimp in a nano tank at the moment.
How about you?  How's are the Cichlids coming on?
That sounds awesome! Right now I am having to budget my addiction of setting up my 75gal. Got the tank and sand. Working on getting the Cascade by Penn Plex canister next. My Kribs spawned about 40 fry just a a few days ago! Now my attention is on them since the first batch was 9 fry. It's worrisome since the Mom and Dad is chasing all of the others to one side of the 55gal! I am waiting for my 10gal to finish cycling and debating on putting the fry in there. Also have debated on putting the male and female in the 29gal. The water parameters are about the same for the 29 and 55. Time will tell!
I'm not familiar with that brand but a quick Google shows them looking pretty solid.
Which version are you going for?  I personally always go for "over" filtration.  If the manufacturer recommends a filter for a 200litre I'll be getting the next one up.
I can see how the fry would grab your attention.  I was fussing over my Platy fry for ages! I still do to some extent but they're a lot bigger now :)
I think moving the parents if you can will be a lot easier than herding fry!
I ordered the 1500 series just for that very reason! -Over filtration! I read review upon review upon review and guess what? More reviews and found this one to be a very decent filter system. The bonus of it is having a 5 stage filter system which gives me an abundance of options. I actually started a Post on that very same canister with some questions about it. Petsmart actually had a sale on the Marineland 360 Canister but voted against it since it having so many complaints. 1 or 2 complaints I would definitely give it a shot but considering the same complaints being made about several different issues is not worth investing. At least thats my take on it. Nothing against anyone actually owning one.
The juvi kribs are now in the 10gal tank and doing really well in there. I had to make room for the fry to put in the breeder tank. I thought of putting the fry in the 10gal but with how small they are, I wasn't sure.
The male Krib was also chasing relentlessly the other fish in the tank so had to put him in a separate breeder box... He is NOT happy right now. I would consider moving him in the 29gal but its a community tank. May not be such a good idea... Bummer.

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