

Swim with the Fishes
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jan 18, 2005
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Mt. Holly, NC
If you're a race fan, the wait is over. Daytona is here. As NASCAR's commercials used to say, "How bad have you got it?" and who's your favorite driver?

I currently pull for Ryan Newman. Earnhardt was my favorite but when he was killed, I didn't just start pulling for Jr. My wife worked with a guy that was on Newman's team and so I kind of went in that direction.
If you're a race fan, the wait is over. Daytona is here. As NASCAR's commercials used to say, "How bad have you got it?" and who's your favorite driver?

I currently pull for Ryan Newman. Earnhardt was my favorite but when he was killed, I didn't just start pulling for Jr. My wife worked with a guy that was on Newman's team and so I kind of went in that direction.

im in the UK but me and my sons watch what we can
my youngest is mad 4 jr and jimmy johnson (i dont know why and i dont ask hes only6)
Was a good race yesterday. Lots of lead changes. Was glad to see the cars could actually pass again as compare to the last couple years at Daytona and Talladega. I was really glad to see Ryan win too. I have not met him but have met his dad on several occasions. Papasmurf, you would have had to stay up pretty late to see the finish yesterday. It wasn't over til near 7 here which would have been midnight for you.
I can't stand NASCAR, and unfortunately it's very popular here in Kansas, not as bad as in the South though.

I didn't come here to bash you guys, but I thought you'd get a kick out of a story I have. There is a race track about 2 miles from the police/fire station where I work. One of the officers that used to work there also worked part-time for AMR (an ambulance service). Anyway, he would have to stand-by on the race track during race weekends in case there were any injuries, and to pass the time he and his co-workers would cound mullets. He said they lost count at about 250 one Saturday. :lol:
I imagine a mullet, like a redneck (I R 1), wouldn't be hard to find at a race track. :lol:
I don't hate it, but there is absolutely no way I can sit down and watch a race. I find it really boring until there is either a crash or an explosion.

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