Nano Tank Ideas

Don't forget if you get both red and sunburst they will breed together and you eventually have brown shrimps.........
So good to get both sunburst and red. I've heard of "blue" shrimp. Are they just another color of cherry as well?

Don't want a ton of shrimps in the tank, so I suppose if they do breed I can cull the browns. (Apologies if too harsh sounding)
I think sunburst and red will still create brown? But I may be wrong. This is why I only keep rcs so when they do breed I will always have red.

I do keep one Amano as well as he’s a fantastic cleaner and is always busy and he for sure bullies my rcs but they don’t care AT ALL. He mows right over them and steals food from them but they just go elsewhere. He never seems to hurt or scare them.
How many do you all keep in a little 5gal? 4 too many?
I have a 6 gallon and right now there are 7 red cherry shrimp, one Amano shrimp, one nerite snail. One of the rcs is berried so hopefully babies soon. I never get overrun for some weird reason. I usually have a few ember tetra but I’ve never seen them bother the shrimp…not even the babies. But I wouldn’t put it past my Amano to get the babies (yet I’ve never witnessed this).
2 Sunburst
1 Phantom Blue
1 Amano

Dudes are TINY!
That's a cool looking little tank! I've kept as many as one amano shrimp per gallon and done fine.
Thanks. Like to get it planted a lot heavier in the future. Waiting to see how the plants in there now do with the light I put in. Not sure if it's up to the job or not. Surprisingly hard to find a light small enough to be retro'd on to that tiny hood.
Adorable! Good Luck! They're so fun to watch!
Looks like you most likely have at least one orange girl (they both look to be but it's super hard to tell).
Also looks like your blue might be a boy.
Keep in mind...not so pretty kids. ha
But they're gorgeous right now!
Hoping they're a ways off from breeding. Only about 1/2" right now.

I was just happy that as soon as I put them in the sunburst started on the white gunk on the wood. I boiled that thing for an hour 3 times and it's still doing that!
Hoping they're a ways off from breeding. Only about 1/2" right now.

I was just happy that as soon as I put them in the sunburst started on the white gunk on the wood. I boiled that thing for an hour 3 times and it's still doing that!
I've gone nuts boiling it over and over as well and still had that happen. It's bizarre.
But it's so satisfying watching the shrimp go to town on it.
And they love it!
Don't remember stocking these.


What the heck are they? Counted 5 so far.

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