Name My One Eyed Cichlid


Fish Fanatic
Oct 19, 2012
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This little guy needs a fitting name, so i figured we could name him here.
he was a donation from the lady at the LFS, she got a shipment in with this little peacock cichlid and as soon as i walked in she said she had a present for me.
he hangs out with his blind side facing a reflective wall so he has full vision, is the first for food, and shows really pretty colors, and i almost bought him before he turned around in the LFS tank and i kinda did a stutter step backwards and asked her what was up with him ha.

hes pretty healthy and at close looking you can see his small underdeveloped eye under the skin and it moves along with the other, its the oddest thing since my guppies laid round balls with eyes. :hyper:
My instincts would be a pirate name... but I don't know any pirate names!
If I was in the fish shop looking for a fish that would be the one-eyed-get.
frickin LOL

aw these were great ideas, but he died after a couple months of having him... i think the stress of having one eye was just too much, he didnt have parasites or ick or anything, but he definitely could have been more active if i had a tank just for him. :/
That is a real shame
, fish often adjust well to the loss of an eye. But you never know, depending on how it lost the eye in the first place there may have been an underlying infection that you never knew about.

I have a small peppered cory with one eye, bustles around with the rest of the pack without any problems. Because my leading hand at work has one eye, I have named my little cory Warren after my leading hand
lol CUtE! i think the other cichlids noticed his defect/ kinda picked on him a bit.. i was also thinking that if his eye didnt fully develope, did any of the other organs not get a chance to..... just a thought that crossed my mind.
The same thought had crossed my mind, about other underlying genetic defects that could also have caused your ones demise, I guess it could have been a number of causes,

Here is an interesting story I saw on some animal show, a zoo or underwater wildlife park of some sort got an Arowana (I think it was) and it only had one eye (I think it lost it due to infection from memory) so they actually had an artificical eye fitted to the fish.

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