My New Cories!

wow look at them! I need to follow them on twitter!
Hahahaha, it's my twitter account. Not very active bu so now and then I'll put some pics on it. Visited Zoo Zajac (biggest LFS in Europe is said). They had large shoals of a lot of species. All looking great, but Melini took my attention.
Oh I will follow you on twitter then! I love my melini, they are so active. Digging around in the sand! Very cute. 
I am getting another 2 metae since there's only 1 and I feel so sorry for him, he is depressed, he sits facing the wall all day. So sad. He will have friends soon and I will also be getting my schultzei. 
I should stop there but Ian Fuller will be bringing green lasers, gold lasers, c.adolfoi, cw049 and c.sterbai to his seminar next week. I really REALLY want adolfoi but I might need to leave my purse at home lol. 
Bad case of Corycitis you have . Think you've to go to "CARE" as fast as possible (Coryaddiction-rehabcentre).
Thumbs up for the Metae !!!! Perfect example of not shoaling Corys though they look a bit alike !
Haha you really do have it bad!
Your tank must be pretty much full of corys now, how many do you have?
Yeah after the schultzei I will have quite a lot, but I am adding a powerful all ponds solutions filter
I have the aquael plus fan filter which does 700L/h, it's for a 250L tank and is very powerful, my guppies had a hard time swimming against it. The above filter is 1200L/h so I will be superbly over filtered for my 95L tank but I did this on purpose so I can get a few more :p
Here is my list...:D
4 pandas
4 elegans
3 longfin peppers
3 bronze
2 melini
1 metae
Only other fish in that tank is the ram.
As you can see from the tank pic I posted a few posts earlier, the tank looks empty :/  In the evening, the peppers and the elegans swim around the middle the others digging in the sand. It's quite a sight. 
I really want the adolfoi!!!
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Tbh you're stocked, even with the extra filter it's only 20 gallons, the cory may be small now but when they grow they'll have no space.
I'd not get the adolfoi if I were you, unless you get a bigger tank
Nobody's replied yet :( I emailed yesterday. There's a corner unit on there too for £120 I am not a big fan of corner tanks as they are less floor space. 
There's another one which is 4ft and it's £120. I am going to email her too :D
I agree with either getting another tank around at least 95L (25 gallons) or not getting the adolfoi.  In the tank you have now, even with filtration you are overstocked.  Pepper cories and the bronze when full grown and older get quite large.  I have a pepper who is every bit 4 in and he seems cramped in my 20 gallon long (79L).  
My bronze are huge, they are part of my landladys group. They will be reuniting with them once the 6 footer has finished cycling. She only gave them to me because in her 4 foot fluval she has about 60-70 cories. It's an awesome sight - hence the 6 foot tank lol
I will be getting a very large bronze next week when my friend from another state sends him my way.  He was living in a lobster tank alone with some goldfish and large plecos on a stone substrate.  She moved him to her 55 with a sand substrate for a week before sending him my way.  He will join my current group of bronze so he will finally be living with others of his own kind.  I can't wait to get him in the tank so he can rehabilitate.  :)
My bronze mama is huge lol I would say about 3 inches long already. I will be sad to see them go, they have given me 2 spawns already so I must be doing something right :p

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