My Budgie

Guppy breeder<>

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Jun 3, 2021
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Here is a picture of my budgie! 🐦


  • Annabirdi30 (3).JPG
    Annabirdi30 (3).JPG
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What's his name? or have you not chosen one yet? it took me 1 1/2 months to chose Kiwi and Avocados names :oops:

he's very cute!
His name is Sky because he's blue :) I've had him for a year. And BTW, I think the hardest part of getting a pet is choosing its name. It took me a while to choose his name too! :) How many pets do you have? I have my budgie Sky and a few tanks with guppies, mollies, and goldfish.
How many pets do you have? I have my budgie Sky and a few tanks with guppies, mollies, and goldfish.
I have kiwi and avocado, a black labrador retriever, Holly, a Pitbull, Piper, an Australian shepherd, Mika, all my fishes, and my hamster Lightning past recently from a reproduction problem, along with Thunder that died from a stroke, they were both Syrian hammys.
I have kiwi and avocado, a black labrador retriever, Holly, a Pitbull, Piper, an Australian shepherd, Mika, all my fishes, and my hamster Lightning past recently from a reproduction problem, along with Thunder that died from a stroke, they were both Syrian hammys.
I really like Pitbulls even though people say that Pitbulls are mean and aggressive. I've seen many very cute and kind Pitbulls :) You have a lot of very nice pets. I don't really have any dogs because I have an apartment, but I have bonded with 3 street dogs and go and visit them every day, feed them, and give them water. Dogs are great :)
I really like Pitbulls even though people say that Pitbulls are mean and aggressive. I've seen many very cute and kind Pitbulls
ikr, did you know in 2019 the most dog attacks were from golden retrievers?
:) You have a lot of very nice pets.
I don't really have any dogs because I have an apartment, but I have bonded with 3 street dogs and go and visit them every day, feed them, and give them water. Dogs are great :)
awww, I would have my own dog (not a family dog) if my parents let me :)
ikr, did you know in 2019 the most dog attacks were from golden retrievers?


awww, I would have my own dog (not a family dog) if my parents let me :)
Ikr! I would also have my own dog if my parents let me :) I still live with my parents. But I am thankful that we get to go and visit "our" street dogs every day :) Though I think no dog is cruel or mean I think they are all kind if people treat them kind. There is a very wild dog next to our apartment and the dog attacks everyone then one woman explained why. The dog lived a trauma. It use to have owners but the owners treated him badly and then abandoned him so now the dog thinks that humans are cruel. Poor dog :unsure:
Though I think no dog is cruel or mean I think they are all kind if people treat them kind
i agree, no animal attacks with no reason too
. There is a very wild dog next to our apartment and the dog attacks everyone then one woman explained why. The dog lived a trauma. It use to have owners but the owners treated him badly and then abandoned him so now the dog thinks that humans are cruel. Poor dog :unsure:
poor dog! if I could help every dog in the world like that, I would.
I find it sad that if there's a pit bull at a shelter, they have to put down 'pitbull mix' or 'lab mix' so it will get adopted (hopefully)
I really like Pitbulls even though people say that Pitbulls are mean and aggressive. I've seen many very cute and kind Pitbulls
Personally I love pit bulls as well. I have heard they can be some of the sweetest family pets. To my understanding, it’s not that pit bulls are mean and aggressive, any dog, any breed is capable of being aggressive. Pit bulls have been bred with very specific purposes, such as dog fights and (I think my mom said) boar hunting. They were intentionally bred for their aggression, and their jaw is able to “lock” unlike other breeds of dog, causing them to be much more dangerous than other breed if they were to bite, and because of the instincts bred into them, their behavior can be a bit unpredictable, compared to other breeds. I think it is great that there are families and individuals out there who rescue pit bulls, they’re still dogs and they’re still living animals, and they still deserve a loving home, just like any other dog, but personally I think that homes with children or small dogs should be more cautious, and people who own pit bulls need to stop being so ridiculous, to prove a point (what I mean by that is, we have a neighbor who owns a pit bull, and because he knows some of the people in our neighborhood think pit bulls are dangerous, he intentionally walks his dog in the other neighbors yards, off leash, to prove how well behaved it is) There are so many pit bulls in shelters, I personally feel like it would be better (for the breed) if people stopped breeding them, therefore there would be less in shelters in need of homes, when there are so few forever homes for them because so many people are so against them. While Golden Retrievers are responsible for the most attacks in a specific year, pit bulls are responsible for the most human deaths
Personally I love pit bulls as well. I have heard they can be some of the sweetest family pets. To my understanding, it’s not that pit bulls are mean and aggressive, any dog, any breed is capable of being aggressive. Pit bulls have been bred with very specific purposes, such as dog fights and (I think my mom said) boar hunting. They were intentionally bred for their aggression, and their jaw is able to “lock” unlike other breeds of dog, causing them to be much more dangerous than other breed if they were to bite, and because of the instincts bred into them, their behavior can be a bit unpredictable, compared to other breeds.
that is true, I hate that dogfighting exists, like, why do ppl ENJOY it. they can lock their jaw, according to my mom, my old neighbor Pitbulls was playing with my old boxer, the pitbull grabbed onto our boxer's collar and could not let go.
I think it is great that there are families and individuals out there who rescue pit bulls, they’re still dogs and they’re still living animals, and they still deserve a loving home, just like any other dog, but personally I think that homes with children or small dogs should be more cautious
my younger brother is meaner to our pitbull than our pitbull is to anything. I once caught him HITTING her with a stick last year, of course, as my brother has gotten older, he has gotten nicer, but that image is permanently stuck in my head. sorry, kind of off topic
, and people who own pit bulls need to stop being so ridiculous, to prove a point (what I mean by that is, we have a neighbor who owns a pit bull, and because he knows some of the people in our neighborhood think pit bulls are dangerous, he intentionally walks his dog in the other neighbors yards, off leash, to prove how well behaved it is)
There are so many pit bulls in shelters, I personally feel like it would be better (for the breed) if people stopped breeding them, therefore there would be less in shelters in need of homes, when there are so few forever homes for them because so many people are so against them.
PETA made a topic on that, actually...
I think the same on great Danes and rotwillers, it's our flat they can be mean, not there's imo..
Personally I love pit bulls as well. I have heard they can be some of the sweetest family pets. To my understanding, it’s not that pit bulls are mean and aggressive, any dog, any breed is capable of being aggressive. Pit bulls have been bred with very specific purposes, such as dog fights and (I think my mom said) boar hunting. They were intentionally bred for their aggression, and their jaw is able to “lock” unlike other breeds of dog, causing them to be much more dangerous than other breed if they were to bite, and because of the instincts bred into them, their behavior can be a bit unpredictable, compared to other breeds. I think it is great that there are families and individuals out there who rescue pit bulls, they’re still dogs and they’re still living animals, and they still deserve a loving home, just like any other dog, but personally I think that homes with children or small dogs should be more cautious, and people who own pit bulls need to stop being so ridiculous, to prove a point (what I mean by that is, we have a neighbor who owns a pit bull, and because he knows some of the people in our neighborhood think pit bulls are dangerous, he intentionally walks his dog in the other neighbors yards, off leash, to prove how well behaved it is) There are so many pit bulls in shelters, I personally feel like it would be better (for the breed) if people stopped breeding them, therefore there would be less in shelters in need of homes, when there are so few forever homes for them because so many people are so against them. While Golden Retrievers are responsible for the most attacks in a specific year, pit bulls are responsible for the most human deaths
any dog should be rescued
PETA made a topic on that, actually...
I think the same on great Danes and rotwillers, it's our flat they can be mean, not there's imo..
I had never heard that about Great Danes, that’s interesting! I had heard it about rotweilers though. It is because humans had a specific purpose for those breeds, and now that certain sports and different things have been banned or are no longer a thing, you are left with these dogs that haven’t been bred to be pets, and it’s sad. Honestly though, I would not listen to PETA... in my opinion they go about educating the public and making a difference in the completely wrong way. They publicly accuse anyone of animal abuse, animal harassmen, or animal mistreatment. I personally think that if they contacted companies and organizations personally, rather than publicly accusing them and creating a bad name for them, they would have a lot more success raising awareness for such problems, and companies and organizations would be much more open to communication
I had never heard that about Great Danes, that’s interesting! I had heard it about rotweilers though. It is because humans had a specific purpose for those breeds, and now that certain sports and different things have been banned or are no longer a thing, you are left with these dogs that haven’t been bred to be pets, and it’s sad.
Honestly though, I would not listen to PETA... in my opinion they go about educating the public and making a difference in the completely wrong way. They publicly accuse anyone of animal abuse, animal harassmen, or animal mistreatment. I personally think that if they contacted companies and organizations personally, rather than publicly accusing them and creating a bad name for them, they would have a lot more success raising awareness for such problems, and companies and organizations would be much more open to communication
I don't listen to PETA, I once saw a topic " Why to never get a pet hermit crab" it was about a mistake the guy made, and a mistake he made means nobody can get hermit crabs, lol?

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