Med Adice Please

Steve Randell

Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2008
Reaction score
Basically i had two flagtails in the tank, i was a few hours late feeding the tank and my arrowana ate one and took a bite out of the other.
The bite has damaged the flagtails eye, it was obvious that it was not going to heal but it appears to be developing some kind of fungus on the eye.
All of the water parameters are perfect and i have increased the water changes to try and help but it appears to be having no effect

Is there any meds that i can use to help that wont kill my rays?


Can you move it to another tank or holding container? You could treat it that way.
that is possible i suppose by its not easy catching a 4 inch fish in my tank lol
Stingrays are so sensitive that I'm afraid it's either that or let nature take its course....
I thought that would be the case :unsure: ill keep the more frequent water changes up and see if it improves at all, doesnt seem to be effecting the flagtail at all


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