Looking For Lampeye Killies


Fish Addict
Jul 10, 2007
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does anyone know where i could get some as fry or even mature, im nowhere near brave enough to try and hatch some from eggs. if not are there other shoaling killi's available?
any suggestions welcome
thank you in advance
gareth callear
hmm, im a bit far up country, i live next to alton towers you see. ill keep that in mind though im heading to cornwall later on in the holiday i could make a detour on the way home
Okey dokey, well they alsways have a tank full of them as I wanted some myself, are they FW or Brackish?
lampeyes to the best of my knowledge are freshwater
id realy like to get some its them or neon tetras and i think killis would be the icing on the cake
Lampeyes, particularly Aplocheilichthys normani (Poropanchax normani) are pretty commonplace these days and most aquarists shops stock them.

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