Lighting For Corals


Dec 21, 2006
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Derbyshire, United Kingdom
i will have 4*24 watt T5s over my 125 litre

i can go with 4* marine white tubes and blue LED's or
3 marine whites and one actinic

would these be of the same benefit coral wise? or would it be better to have more white and the LED's

i know the actinics are blue but do corals mind whether you use white or blue light as i could save money at the same time.

so would 4* marine whites be the same as 3*marine white and 1* actinic tube?
I could be talking rubbish here so forgive me :blush: but doesn't the blue actinic tube just bring out the colour of the coral more, enhancing the fluorescenceness, if you know what i mean :unsure:

I take it the LEDs would be for the moonlight :good:
i would go with 3 white and one blue.

By blue leds did you mean a cheap strip from fleabay or the tmc aquarays?

I have experience of both if you are interested.
Basically actinics give very little useable light so the more white tubes you have the more light the corals have. If you go for all white tubes though you wont see the corals at their best as the actinics really bring out the colours. 3 white 1 blue sounds ok, you might be able to get away with 4 white and a blue LED strip, depends on the LEDS really.
Cheers Truck just bought some. I looked at the Aquarays for when I swap the nano into the 4 ft tank. I could finad a chart telling you which set you need depending on the height of the tank but could not find anything about how many strips you need!!
Wanted to price them up but could'nt.
I have found them £148 but I think that was one of the don't use web sites, will have a look I saved them in favourites. I could not find out the length of them either!
No problem, I would be looking at 1 dual set just to run the length of the 4 foot tank, not sure how many sets I would need. I know its the reef white I would need due to the depth but its how many tubes is the problem. Still I have got a few yrs till I need to buy them so hopefully they will have come down in price a fair bit, although the saving in electricity would be worth the initial outlay in my opinion, if they work that is.

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