Kribensis Starting To Spawn.

Didn't think of looking in the bottom, just had a look there little black specs and aload of orange eggs.
Im hoping I see some fry, never had fry before other than guppies years ago.
Aww they are sooo tiny as well.
You will be made up
Keep me posted, and I want pics of our wrigglers :)
Just had another look, sat there for about 5 mins with light. There is ALOT of little black specs all grouped together, hopefully I see some wrigglers in the next week or so.
Im just worried if my torpedo barbs, rasboras or paradise fish end up swooping them away when they come out of the nest, hopefully not.
Iv found Eggs tonight aswell!

Iv only had them 7 days and they're having babies already!
Madjonny said:
Iv found Eggs tonight aswell!

Iv only had them 7 days and they're having babies already!
Must be something in the water lolol
Fluval-1200 said:
Iv found Eggs tonight aswell!

Iv only had them 7 days and they're having babies already!
Must be something in the water lolol
I sucked some fry out of the nest today as I wasn't sure if they were dead as I couldn't see movement.
There is loads in there, there little white specs with little black eyes and a big orange ball on there backs, think that might be there stomach and the egg sac that theve eaten.
I will upload a picture later.
Should be free swimming in the next couple of days and ive added neutral ph regulator (7.0ph) to the tank so I can get an even amount of males and females.
Ahhh you have been researching hahaha
mine now look like brown stripey tigers too cute
Try to avoid sucking them up though if mum and/or dad feel you are threatening the nest they may eat them :(
Im desperate to see these pics now ;)
Im gonna leave them be now, was just curious lol. I managed to suck them up then put them back after without them being eaten so its all good.
Nope there all still together in there cave, im unsure where to go from here. Do I remove them into a grow out tank when there free swimming, or do I leave them in this tank with the parents + other fish.

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