Killifish Charity Auction


Fish Maniac
Mar 4, 2005
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Midland Charity Fish Auctions
in conjunction with

[font="[size="5"]Times New Roman"]The British Killifish Association[/size][/font]​

A Killifish Charity Auction
Lodge Park Social Club
Wirehill Drive, Lodge Park, Redditch, Worcestershire.
B98 7LH​
Sunday 6th March 2011
Doors open 9am​

Bill Drake will be presenting a lecture on Chromaphyosemion.

This is a Killifish Only auction the profits from the day will be split 50/50 between the BKA & charities - MacMillans Cancer, Air Ambulance & Help for Heroes.
This auction is open to anyone as the BKA would like to attract new members into what is the most colourful & diverse group of fish on the planet.​

Auction Rules
1 - All profits from entry, sales (10% of selling price), raffle to be split 50/50 with the BKA & charities supported.
2 - Entry fee is £2 for members & £5 for non members. If non members join on the day £3 will be refunded.
3 - Non members may buy fish from auction but not enter fish into auction unless they join the BKA on the day.
4 - Auction bids start at £3 & increase by 50p increments to £10 where they increase by £1 increments.
5 - The auction is for killifish only (pairs, trios, groups of juveniles or eggs but not single fish). No other fish or dry goods will be auctioned. A sales table will be provided for these items including plants & odd fish.

Why not get yourself along on the day, there is sure to be a wide array of killifish on display for auction, you'll also be helping the nominated charities concerned.​

Shame I cant make that! I'll be at the summer auction though.
will try and make this ive been tempted for the last couple of years to try my hand at keeping these little fish but you just dont get to buy them from the shops so i hope to be there BIGC
One I would dearly love to attend but I cant get there in person as it's a little early on in the calendar (I live in Northern Ireland) and there are other shows and European Conventions I want to attend this year. But I will be donating fish and supporting the cause.
That said Nigel is correct in saying that there will be a golden opportunity to pick up stock. (some species at surprisingly reasonable prices) And they will surely be in much better condition than some of the specimens I've seen at various LFS over the years.

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