Keeping The Filter Alive.


I'm in Planted School.
Jan 6, 2012
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I have a 10g fry tank set up and had it cycled but it isn't anymore to my horror! The other day I brought home 8 new tetras and I was going to let them chill out in my fry tank for a few days since the were quite a few dead and sick fish around the store. I had done a nitrite test earlier in the day just in case. BIG mistake not doing an ammonia test.

The next morning I tested for ammonia and it was .50 ppm!!! :/ The bacteria must have died.

Needless to say the tetras were immediately moved to their new home and unfortunately I lost 2. The whole long story leads to this question? How do I keep a tank alive....Should I put a bunch of shrimp in until I need it for fry? Will shrimp be enough?
As above if you have anything living in there (plants, snails, fish), but if the tank has no life in it, there is no reason why you could not dose daily with ammonia upto 4ppm (just like typical fishless cycling).
I keep the filter pad for my hospital tank in the bottom of one of my Eheim cannisters. When it's needed it's loaded with bacteria.
Oh I could just do that...keep the sponges in my FIlstar XP3. Plenty of room in there at the top since there's no carbon in. I was thinking about all the work to maintain the tank while its empty.

Thanks for the thoughts everyone.

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