Just lost my Wednesday


Fish Addict
Jan 23, 2021
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So our 9 yr old Tortie lost her appetite Sunday. She has been to a Vet on and off all week and yesterday she went to an ER vet which performed an ultrasound and found what maybe a lymphoma. Samples were sent out to pathology but results wouldn't be in until next week. Meanwhile last night at the ER she had a breathing issue and the vet saw fluid buildup in her abdomen, this morning it was around her heart and vet was honest that it wasn't going to improve so we went to the ER and said our goodbyes just 20 minutes ago.

Goodbye Wednesday you were 1 on a million. I will miss you bringing toys to play fetch, will miss you giving me high-5s for treats, will miss your green eyes, little ears and paintbrush tip tail. Thank you for blessing us with 8 years of friendship and love.

I am sorry for your loss and pain. I know how miserable I felt when my dog passed on.
Oh, that’s so sad. Poor Wednesday. 😢
So sorry to hear this. It's doubly difficult when they are young and unexpected. I hope the mice are fat, slow and plentiful over the bridge Wednesday x
Thank you all for your support.
It gets easier everyday.

Wednesday and Bowie were friends and today when we gave Bowie a small saucer of milk he drank a little and moved to the side waiting for his sister to come and finish the milk...:sad:
Thank you all for your support.
It gets easier everyday.

Wednesday and Bowie were friends and today when we gave Bowie a small saucer of milk he drank a little and moved to the side waiting for his sister to come and finish the milk...:sad:
So sweet :wub:😢
Sorry for your loss, Nat...I'm sure she had the best life possible with you and your sis
Thanks Matt. We love to spoil our little kittens, even if they are all grown up.

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