Irridescent Shark

They're massive and kinda ugly :p

They grow up to 1 metre long if kept well and so need at least 800 litres to be able to swim properly.

I love irridescent sharks! Never had any though.
As you probably know, they are a species of catfish. They are usually sold young at around 3 or 4 inches. They have long barbles, and are a dark blackish/silver color with much sheen.

They get quite large as bunjiweb mentioned, and they lose their sheen as they mature, becoming a plain greyish color.
Not really a fish to keep unless you have a gigantic tank or pond. They will eat pretty much anything, especially smaller fish (they are not a suckermouth species). The males sometimes have stripes and are more sleek than females.
Younger ones are more carnivorous than adults, and should not be fed a large amount of feeder fish at any stage in its life. If kept with the right fish, it can be rather peaceful.

For more info, check this out:
That's not a fish that many people (if any) here can keep. :no:

They look cute as juveniles, with the aforementioned sheen. However, they quickly lose that sheen and grow really big or die because they're cramped into small tanks. :/
i have 2 baby ones, there really cute little fishesw, theyre in a smaller tank now because theyre small, but im going 2 put them in larger ones as i get older.

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