Invert Advice


New Member
Apr 18, 2004
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I will be upgrading in the near future to a 125 gallon reef tank from a 72 gallon bowfront. I have tried to establish inverts in my current tank with marginal success. Crabs, shrimp, snails, etc thrive, but corals and anemones I seem to have a problem with. I love the looks of the corals and anemones but have not been able to get them to survive. Can anybody give me any advice in the care and feeding of the two. Thanks. :/
What light, filters, lbs. live rock, food, tank mates, etc... have you been using?
Whats your water quailty, and temp.? What type corals, and inverts have you had and what was their tank placement? What kind of water flow do you have?
In the 72gal tank I have a Smart Compact 3 stage lighting system, wet dry filter with protein skimmer, about 30 pounds of live rock and 40 pounds of base rock. Can't remember how much live sand, but it was 3 to 5 bags. Currently have a school of 10 damsels, one goby. Also have a couple of crabs, a banded rock shrimp, a couple of peppermint shrimp, a sand sifting star and two brittle stars. I have been adding iodine supplement, calcium supplement and feeding DT's phytoplankton. Water temp is 78, ph 8.2, .25 ammonia, 0 nitrite and some nitrates, but all fall within the safe range. Have some small corals growing on the live rock and purchased a bubble tip anemone which died promptly. One water return in middle of tank.

New tank has double corner flows with water returns at each corner. There is 350 pounds of live rock and 125 lbs of live sand. This also has a 3 stage lighting system with seperate timers for each. Not sure of wattage of bulbs at this time. One tang, one blennie, clown fish and a few red footed hermits. This also has a double capacity wet dry filter. Once I get this tank I will try see what the water quality is.

If you have any suggestions for supplements and/or food or any other suggestions I would love to hear them.
Well, you dont have enough water flow. Get more power heads in both. I have 4 in my 75 gallon, I used to have more but robbed them for other tanks. I also have water movement from the sump return and a mag 350. What is your salinity? A reef should be 1.023 to 1.025. You may also want to pick up some Coral Accel. I would start off with a common white anemone and see how he does. You can hand feed them Krill. 10 damsels is alot-o-damsels, I would try to kill a few off. :eek: ;) Just kidding, but damn thats a lot of damsels. One is enough to get me irritated, :sly: I have 4 right now that are begging to go back to the LFS.

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