I Turn To This Forum In Despiration... Need Help!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2012
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Los Angeles
I purchased this Cichlid from a tropical fish store which sold a lot of unique hyrbrid cichlids. I was told by the owner that I was buying a King Kamfa Flowerhorn, but after trying to find it a new home, buyers are telling me that this is not so.
I have been told by one buyer that it is a Red Texas and although I do see a resemblance I am not yet convinced.
Other Cichlids sold in the store included: Red Texas, Super Green Texas, Super Green Bubble Texas, Super Red Devils, and various Flowerhorns. This fish, however, was in a small tank of its own.
I assume that this is a hyrbid of some sort. Can someone please take a stab to help provide an answer to what this cichlid might be? Any remotely accurate input is much appreciated.
I don't think there's many people that can name a Cichlid hybrid. Honestly, You'd have to try a cichlid only forum to have a chance of someone helping you out with this one.
I have two other Texas Cichlids, they have very different body shapes and colors... There is also a larger hump on this one in comparison to the other two which leads me to believe that it is a cross between something, but thanks for the input.
I will agree that it looks very similar to that picture though.
So after doing further research I conclude that you are right, it is most likely a red Texas :)
Yup a texas! But it seems it has been crossed with another cichlid
Still just looks like a male Texas to me, in the process of developing his nuchal hump.
Bearing in mind (especially when googling it) that there are two forms of the Texas Cichlid, H. cyanoguttuatus (blue Texas) and H. carpintis (green Texas).
I think you have yourself H. carpintis, a juvenile male at that... one that is slowly developing into an adult. It is the more common and most likely of Texas cichlids as well
Like this male:
That said, we could never truely say whether he was a hybrid or not, I am certain he isnt a Red Texas.
I don't think my Texas is a 'True Red' as in a mix of a Red Devil or Blood Parrot, but comparing him/her with my other two Texas cichlids (which are carpintis) It seems to me that it is likely a hybrid of some sort. I have been on multiple threads and have discovered that it is very common to have Texas Hybrids these days.
As I have recieved numerous feedback on other forums explaining how/why it is most likely a form of Red Texas, would you mind providing the reason to why it cannot be so? I understand that it hasn't peeled and doesn't fall under the category of a 'true mix', but in my mind, it certainly could be counted as a red hybrid due its general tint and individual build.
Ahh I can't give you any scientific reason or that of any experts.
I'm also not disputing the likelihood that it might be a hybrid, more that the term Red Texas is used generally for, like you said, those with midas, red devils, parrots etc in them to give them that red hue and it changes the shape of their eyes slightly IMO.
I have seen a *lot* of Texas cichlids and hybrids of them working in the trade, prefer the pure cyanoguttuatus I think
had a load from a member of the EACG and they were gorgeous fish.
I am not seeing in your picture, any hint of red that isn't normal to the species, that said, you see the fish, I only see one photo so might just be its not so obvious in photo

If it is a hybrid, I was also hazard a guess that its not a first generation hybrid but maybe one or both parents were Texas hybrids which might be why it really looks much more Texas than a lot of hybrids do.
EDIT: Actually, having watched video again (always helps doesn't it!) it's eyes do look less like those of a Texas and more like those of a Red Devil! Colour wise, hard to tell from video, I still think a lot of it is down to the lighting as it seems to change as he moves in the tank, also I think he is still fairly 'see through' and not in full adult colours yet.
Likely a hybrid but god knows what of :) definitely not what you bought him as, that's for sure!
Thanks for your clarification! I guess we shall have to wait and see to what it turns into.
It would be terrific if it was partially RD, but either way, I agree with you and think its just a second generation Texas hybrid.

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