I Think My Aeneus Are Cheating

I wish I had another one already cycled and ready.
All mine are being used for sick.
I have the sick cory in the community tank, and the mollies getting treated in the hospital tank. If they were on the same meds I could move them all in the big tank, and I could use the litte one for the new fish. The problem is one tank has clout going and the other has pimafix and melafix going. I even have quick cure going in the 1g. betta tank for him. That covers all three of my tanks. I have 4 fish that aren't sick anymore, but nowhere for them to go. I am going to have to figure out a better way to do this.
:D Now I really wish I had another tank ready to go! I was doing my water change in the hospital tank getting ready to put in the meds and found something. :shifty:
I GOT FRY!!!! :wub:
I get my new fish without going any where. 3 live ones so far.(all white) Now I have to figure out which one is having them. :D

:huh: Should I still put in the pima/melafix with the fry in there, and her in labour? :unsure:

I don't have anywhere to move them to. I put in a net to put the fry in as I see them.
You have entered an unknown for me. I have never had to treat fish with fry.

But congrats!

I have been in terrible straits with sick fish. The most important thing in fish keeping is the water: clean oxygenated water. Part of keeping that right is keeping the substrate clean. A good easy to clean substrate is the key to that. If the tank is planted, that helps keep waste from becoming ammonia. If there aren't live plants, I like to keep the substrate at a minimum--usually sandy. So far I have not had any fish that prefer gravel.
ok... lets talk cheating. I finally got to get some fish today. I got corys. I had only 1. I thought I had figured out what it was, but I was looking at a post where someone asked what they were, and they didn't agree. Now I am waiting to see what they tell her.
Back to the subject. I got 2 more like that one, 3 peppered, and 2 albino. They have chosen to hang out with different kinds instead of their own. The one I had is staying alone. Has he been alone too long?
I think they are bronze, but I am not sure. Will these 3 kinds interbreed? Also how do you tell male from female if you don't know if they are the same age? I can't exactly go by one being bigger than the other.

My peppered seem to like the bronze, and my albino like the peppered. The bronze like both, just not eachother. I think they are confused. :lol:
Your's aren't confused. At least they're hanging with other cories. My albino totally ignores the cories unless she has the urge to merge. Otherwise she and the ADF are inseperable. Talk about confused; the little tramp.
Cool :lol:
When they breed, if I have the right sexes :blush: , will they go back to their own kind?

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