I Finally Bit The Bullet And Added The Ammonia, Cycling Started...

Ch4lie I'm so happy right now!

I just did dose #4!

I can't believe it was a testing error and I'm soooo glad TTA pointed that out and was so specific!!

Because in the API master test kit booklet it only says "rinse test tube with clean water"!!!
So that's what I was doing but man to then rinse in the tank makes very good sense!
Also it doesn't say to test the water deeper in the tank (unless I missed that) but again makes total sense!!

I feel so much better!

This forum has been sooo helpful!!

I'm fairly certain I'd be crying over a green tank right about now with test results reading off the charts.
Glad to hear its all straightened out.
No need to let the tubes/caps dry after tap rinse. The tank rinse gets out any traces left from the tap or the prior test. In this respect, it is also a good idea to rinse the tube/cap in tap after you test as well. Don't put the cap on top, put it on the bottom, the tube will dry that way wherever you keep it.
The only thing I can add now is be patient. It might take a little longer than you hope to finally get that 0-0 in 24 hours that you're hoping for. Please don't jump the gun like I did (although in retrospect there was another factor at play for me, non-aquatic plants rotting and adding nasties to the water). Another week to get healthy fish is not going to matter once your tank is fully cycled and you're watching your healthy, happy fish.
I used to test water from the surface too, its amazing how much the results can differ. I use a pipette that came with one of my medicines instead to get the water a few inches down, saves me getting my fingers wet lol.
Glad to hear things are working for you now :)
Fingers crossed you'll be cycled and ready for your fish soon!
that's funny tooombsy...I thought the same thing with "saving my fingers" by using a medicine doser!  ha
Anyway...Not Cycled

5-11-15  day 16
24 hours after dose 4
ammonia 0ppm (yay)

nitrite 2.0ppm (boo)

So now I must wait for nitrite to drop below 1.0 then dose 5 (full dose)...
correct?!  Then wait another 24 hours and hope that it's all zero...?!
Also...anyone have a good suggestion for measuring doses (ammonia) in such small amounts like mine?
I've been using a medicine doser that I got from CVS pharmacy.  
The amount I'm suppose to dose is apparently .72ml (from the calculator chart on this site) but I always have to add more to get to the 3ppm.  
I'm sure it's not exact because it seems to always have an air bubble and it doesn't seem to account for the tip....so I'm always unsure exactly how much ammonia I'm using.  Which is causing multiple doses and testing to make sure I'm actually at 3ppm.
This is the second doser I've tried with the same annoying hiccups.
Thanks guys!...and gals

Yup, once your nitrite drops below 1ppm then it's another full dose (3ppm ammonia) and wait another 24 hours. You've gotten close to the end, so it might happen within the next couple of days (fingers crossed for you).
I can't offer any advice on your ammonia dosing. My ammonia came with a drop dispenser top and I was lucky enough that 30 drops in my tank equalled 3ppm.
Oh gruntle....where did you get the ammonia that came with a doser?!
I got a big old bottle from tractor supply (someone here has suggested)
I'm in Australia, I did a search on ebay and found someone who sells fish tank cycling ammonia.

Due to whatever paranoia struck whatever Government whenever, it's nigh on impossible to buy ammonia in this country unless it has enough additives to poison an entire ecosystem. What I ended up buying was about 20ml of almost pure ammonia, certainly not enough to blow the nearest policeman's hat off, should you be that way inclined.
Oh jeez and here in the states you can only find in gallon jugs or larger!!?!!
What does that say about us!? Haha
You can easily find measuring devices for small amounts in the states.  A medicine doser for infants for example.

I have cheapo disposable ones I use for dosing plant ferts I got from Drs. FosterandSmith:

I use DrTim's Ammonium chloride which is premixed such that one drop/gallon will produce 2 ppm of NH3-N.

Adding ammonia and testing is not the best way to go, imo. I prefer to use the ammonia calculator and trust that over a hobby test kit. It also means you add the same amount every time and make the snack dose simple too. But like I said, Dr. Tim's Ammonium chloride makes it easy. I just grabbed two more bottles on sale to use in my bio-farm.
Oh man TTA I will absolutely get that dr tims!!!! That looks super easy!!!

That first **** of the child med doser is what I use but I feel like it's not exact....it always has a bubble and is the tip accounted for?!

But I will go out in search of the doc tims!! Thanks!!!
Haha *first pic not poop*
Ok...here's a thinker for ya....
So tonight I was hoping to find that my nitrites were 1.0 or lower so I could add my next full dose (dose #5)
I just tested:
5-12-15 Day 17
ammonia 0ppm
nitrites 0pppm
Does this mean I'm cycled?!  Or another full dose?!  
I thought I was just looking for lower nitrites to dose #5... I wasn't expecting them to be 0?!
Ok since I have to go to bed (big baby) I've decided to dose #5

I'm assuming that I should wait 24 hours from time of full dose to double zero reading.

And since my double zero reading came after 48 hours...I dosed.

Hope I did the right thing!!
You did the right thing. If anything I'd even suggest another dose after you get 0-0 in 24 hours, just to make sure.
Sounds like your cycle is going to plan.
Oh Good!!  
I'm so glad I did the right thing!
Hoping tonight (24 hours after dose #5) I'll have double zeros :)
And TTA, I did order (from Amazon for like 2 bucks) that Dr. Tims Ammonia stuff that you suggested...just to have.
And if it's suggested to dose another time even after 0-0 in 24, I'll surely do that!
Once I'm considered cycled...how long do I have until I add my fish?....
which I'm still unsure of. I'll have to test my PH and such once cycled.
I'm thinking a couple of endlers and maybe a shrimp or two (but I certainly don't want them to go bananas breeding (so if that can't really be helped...I might skip the shrimp.  They're super cute but in large numbers they kind of take on that "bug type thing" and become a little creepy.  ha just my opinion :)
I'd love some nano fish suggestions!!  
I've seen what I think are the coolest looking nano fish (because they look ...to me...like cichlids ...which are my very faves but I know I can't have in my teeny tank)...
the Scarlet Badis (dario dario).  I think the cutest little nano fish ever...but prob not great for my set up.  Sounds like they're a handful.  Only eat live food, super finicky  and aggressive (males) and they're the good looking ones.  
I'm getting excited!!

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