Huge Angelfish!


Fish Herder
Aug 3, 2006
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Baltimore, MD
I went to the Baltimore Aquarium for my 16th birthday and had a lot of fun. Afterwards, I went to a Barnes & Nobles across the street, a really big book store. There, they had a 3,000 gallon fish tank filled with schools of hundreds of different tetras like bleeding hearts, corys, discus and angelfish. The tank was heavy planted and very beautiful. I stood there for almost an hour admiring the fish while my friends read some books. What baffled me were the angelfish. I had never seen angelfish so big in my life. Some where 2 times as big as adult discusfish!!

I have some pictures to wow you with. Has anyone ever seen angelfish this big before? I have an angelfish I thought was big and he's only about 5 inches tall.

Click on the thumbs for bigger pictures! :)

Angelfish compared to gold tetras:

Angelfish compared to discus:

A saltwater angelfish picture I took at the aquarium. Makes a nice wallpaper:


I also have two pictures of a balloon molly I adopted. Her story is really sad... she was almost a year old at the Petsmart I was visiting. They were trying to scoop her out of the tank. I asked them what they were doing and they said they were going to euthanize her because no one had bought her for almost a year. They said everyone thought she was ugly because she had a black mark on her lip. I told them I would take her and they gave her to me. Isn't that SAD?!! They were going to kill her because everyone thought she was ugly! I thought she was cute. Here are some pictures of her. I don't know why anyone couldn't love her... she's got such a nice personality.



Comments are appreciated, thaaanks~! :D :D :D
Ahhh, poor thing! She is adorable, who couldnt love that face :wub: ! I cant believe people thought she was ugly! She is very lucky to have you buy her! :good:

And as for the angel fish, he is huge! He is beautiful too! :D

Oh, and :bday: ! That sounds like a really fun b-day! :D
:bday: Sounds like u had a LOT of fun

Whos couldnt want that Molly? shooo cewtee!! lol

What other notable fish were in the 3,000 gallon tank??
Was the fishtank at Barnes & Nobles or at the aquarium? I always wanted go to the Baltimore aquarium, which is only 1/2 hr drive from where I live (DC).
mmmm altums :D not seen any for ageessssssssssss quite stunning fish!!!

if only i had a 1000 gallon tank so i could keep one lol

ah well maybe when i move into my mansion next to the Beckhams *wakes up* oops drifted off there :blush:
then agian another case of Discus living with Angelfish perfectly fine! i dont belive this myth of the disease angels give to discus. at my lfs they have 5 discus one is fully grown with abunch of angel fish in a 225g. all of them are in great health so i dont understand this disease thingy...
then agian another case of Discus living with Angelfish perfectly fine! i dont belive this myth of the disease angels give to discus. at my lfs they have 5 discus one is fully grown with abunch of angel fish in a 225g. all of them are in great health so i dont understand this disease thingy...

Those are Pterophyllum Altum, a difficult angel to keep, and nearly impossible to breed. Keeping them requires at least the same level of care as discus, and acclimation is tricky as most all are wild caught. They grow considerably larger than Pterophyllum Scalare, the angels most commonly found. Scalare are much more hardy, and are capable of carrying certain internal parasites that don't bother them, but can affect discus, a fish more sensitive to stress. One of the tricks to keeping them together is having a large tank, which you have, and is what they are in at that book store.

Part of the acclimation process of wild caught altums is a round or two of meds to take care of worms or other parasites. This is just as much as for their benifit as for that of any tankmates, as the stress of going from the wild, being shipped, then acclimated to a tank can be quite stressful, letting these different organisims take hold.

Altums are beautiful fish, but do need a really large tank, those pics tell you why. Thanks for sharing those pictures! :good:
Love the tank, great pics.

now about the angle, my m8 is having trouble beleving that angles can Get the BIG!!

is it pos to get a pic with a ruler ot lighter (something that we know)

hehe i love em, but just had to rehome 4 angles coz of there size :(, o well 4 more i gess hehe
Those angels are stunning but did anyone notice the cloudy eyes to some of them?
altums, discus tetras? Sounds alot like what tom barr is doing on the behemoth tank, it seems this combo is a very popular choice in the top of the range giant planted tank genre.
then agian another case of Discus living with Angelfish perfectly fine! i dont belive this myth of the disease angels give to discus.

what myth? angels and discus are both amazon fish right? so they would be living together in the wild so why not in aquariums? :dunno:

:bday: it was my 17th the other day. i had a party at this music bar but i wish i coulda gone to see those angels :fun:

i would love an altum. a koi altum. :blush: oops, drifted off too :fun:
I'm bumping my thread up because I want more people to gawk at the big ol' angelfish :D !

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