How much melafix can I put in a 1 gallon


New Member
Aug 26, 2018
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So long story short. I have a new betta, Tye Die (Nickname: Ty). He has some fungus. I donā€™t like using bettafix, I have used melafix and it improved my first betta, Spart. One problem. I used melafix in my ten gallon before it became a community tank. Ty is living in another ten gallon which is a now community tank. I removed ty and put him in a temporary 1 gallon until he gets better. So my question how much melafix for a one gallon? The sooner my baby gets better the sooner Heā€™ll be back home in his 10 gallon.

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None, Melafix is rubbish and dangerous to labyrinth breathers like Bettas and Gouramis.

Can you please answer the following questions.

How big is the tank?
Has it got a heater? What is it set to?
Has it got a filter?
How strong is the current?
Is it cycled?
How often do you change water?
How much water do you change?
Do you vacuum the substrate?
What additives or chemicals do you use? Eg De Chlorinator?
Do you use tap or bottled water? If bottled water please give us the brand.
Do you have a water test kit?
Can you tell us the readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
When you clean the tank can you tell us exactly what you do.
What do you feed him? how much? how often?
Any tank mates? What sort how many?
How long have you had the Betta?
Has he got a history of illness?
Any plants or decorations? Please give details?
Can you provide a close up photo of the fish?
Can you provide a photo of the tank?

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