How Much Do Baby/fry Angelfish Cost If I Sell Them?


New Member
Oct 6, 2009
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Sydney, Australia
If I sell angelfish fry (about 5cm or about 2 inches) to the aquarium, how much do you think I should get paid for one?
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it changes from store to store, probably $3 or maybe $4 (AUS)
if you want to get the most for them then you'll have to talk to as many store owners as you can
It depends partly where you are. If you live somewhere that has nice soft water, retailers are often flooded with baby angels. You'll be lucky to give them away, let alone sell them! But if you live somewhere with hard water, angels will be more difficult to breed, and retailers will be happier to see them.

You should also bear in mind retailers will be getting small angels for something like 50-100 pence a piece from their wholesalers. These are cheap fish.

Finally, it depends on the quality of your fish, and what the variety is. Mish-mash crossbreeds aren't of much value, so if mum's a golden angel and dad's a marble, the offspring will be a bit of a mix. But if your fry are good quality fish of a nameable variety, then those will be easier for a retailer to sell. Since the cheapest fish from wholesalers tend to be crossbreeds, if you're selling a particular variety, especially an unusual one, you're more likely to be able to sell them.

It always helps if you have a good relationship with your retailer. If you know the name of the manager, and you regularly stop by to pick up fish food or whatever, then he or she is more likely to buy your baby fish at a good price.

Fish clubs regularly have auctions. These can be a great way to trade livestock. So rather than selling the fish, consider swapping them or simply sharing them.

Cheers, Neale

If I sell angelfish fry (about 5cm or about 2 inches) to the aquarium, how much do you think I should get paid for one?
Please tell me your currency.

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