
Mostly New Member
Oct 10, 2013
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I know to have a balanced tank, you want to distribute top, middle and bottom swimmers and not overcrowd but cories stick to the bottom of the tank so would it matter whether you only had 2-3 or a big school like 6-7 since they dominate the tank floor and wouldnt cause overcrowding because they remain along the bottom

Should you follow the guidelines of 1 inch per gallon or just get as many as the floor of your tank can handle without being overcrowded?
Corys are schooling fish that prefer to be in numbers of at least 6.
The exact amount depends on the species of cory and tank size.
You can use the inch per gallon rule as a guide line, but you can have a more than the rule allows if the fish are in different levels of the tank.
There are two questions going on here, one stated - one unstated.
The question stated, "How many corydoras are enough?"  Can be answered simply - more is always better. 
The question unstated, "How many can I have in my tank?" The answer to that depends on the size of the tank, tankmates, filtration, water change schedule, etc.
1 inch per gallon is a reasonable to get a feel for how many fish you should have, but its only a guideline.  Sometimes you can go over it, sometimes you have to stay well under it...

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