How long until they're full grown?

Booboo puppy

Fish Addict
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Bremerton, WA
I only have platies right now and would like to add at least one additional adult female platy and maybe some other community tank fish. But I don't want the new fish to eat the babies who were born around March 1. How long until they are full grown? Itty-bitty was born around April 12 so he has a ways to go yet.
The important factor is space...They are fast growers...Given enough growing space and good feed they can reach a good size in 8 weeks!
However, you do not need to wait until they are full grown. The key is to be sure that they are big enough that they can not fit into the mouths of any other adult fish in the tank. Once they reach that size, its usually safe to mix them with adults.

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