Hi. Help with stocking new tank


New Member
Dec 28, 2017
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Hi. New here. I have a 270 litre aquarium with german blue rams, platys, endlers, rummy nose tetras, gourami's', bristlenose plecs and a betta.
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Snails are always a fun thing to add to your tank. A couple african dwarf frogs could be fun too, although you have to be sure that the tank isn't so tall that they can't reach for air. Cherry barbs are nice too, and not as bitey as other barbs. Cory catfish are fun to watch too.
Careful of the gourami and betta, often the two don't get along, but it does depend on the personalities of the fish.
Snails are always a fun thing to add to your tank. A couple african dwarf frogs could be fun too, although you have to be sure that the tank isn't so tall that they can't reach for air. Cherry barbs are nice too, and not as bitey as other barbs. Cory catfish are fun to watch too.
Careful of the gourami and betta, often the two don't get along, but it does depend on the personalities of the fish.

I've been reading up today and I think it may already be fully stocked.

Black bar endlers (circa 20)
Sunset Platy: 3 and about 6 fry
Bristlenose plecs plecs: 6
Rummynose tetras: 11
German blue rams: 4
Betta: 1
Opaline gourami: 3
Assassin snails: circa 10

You have stocking issues. Live bearers such as endlers prefer hard water while GBR and rummy nose tetras prefer soft water. What type of water do you have?

Bettas are NOT community fish and must NEVER be housed with things like Gouramis and he needs to be moved to his own tank

You have stocking issues. Live bearers such as endlers prefer hard water while GBR and rummy nose tetras prefer soft water. What type of water do you have?

Bettas are NOT community fish and must NEVER be housed with things like Gouramis and he needs to be moved to his own tank

My water is soft. About 6.2 in ph. The betta seems happy enough, never noticed a problem between him and the gourami's. Spends most of his time hunting endler fry in amongst the hornwort and frogbit. I knew gbr needed soft water. I didn' realise live bearers were fussy about hardness.
Shimmying is a symptom rather than a single disease, and an indication that a fish no longer has proper control of its nerves and muscles. It occurs when fish are under severe stress, most often because of environmental problems.

The classic scenario is when mollies are kept in soft or acidic water conditions. Though tolerant fish in many ways, they do not do well in soft or acidic water, and it is very common to see mollies kept that way start to shimmy. To varying degrees, almost all the other livebearers sold to hobbyists are sensitive to soft or acidic water conditions, and consequently the shimmies may be seen among any of them kept in the wrong water conditions.

Cold water conditions can have the same effect on tropical fish as well, with cichlids in particular being extremely sensitive to even short-term exposure to cold water. Poor water quality can also trigger the shimmies, as can other sorts of poisons such as copper. Certain bacterial and protozoan diseases, such as finrot, mouth fungus, and slime disease, seem to be associated with the shimmies as well.

Going back to the betta. Why should I remove him?
Because Gourami and Bettas are closely related and will fight, and the Betta will be killed.

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