Help Stocking New Tank

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Nov 13, 2006
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I've just set up a new tank (180 l). It has been running for over a week and the first fish went in this weekend, 4 Dwarf Gourami's. They seem to have settled in well but I'm now thinking about what else is going in. So far I have thought about the following although not in this order :
- butterfly cichlids
- rosy barbs
- guppy's
- zebra danio's
- dwarf neon rainbow fish
- golden nugget plec

What is your opinion, do you think they will egt on alright with each other or are there some definite no no's?
Any help is greatfully recieved.
I'm having the same thought as Flame. Rosy barbs can also be nippy. If they don't nip. both danios and rosy barbs are still very fast, active fish; it is possible that the gouramis will find this stressful. You might get on better with a quieter schooling fish- how about black neons instead of the danios? They look nice and are a bit more peaceful?

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