Help identifying fish


New Member
May 17, 2022
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Hi there, I recently purchased 2 little catfish from the local pet store that were marked as 'suckers' (which might turn out to actually be me in this case). I have looked online and they seem to only match up with Chinese algae eaters and if that is the case I will need to rehome them. They are both currently between 5cm-7cm with one growing much faster and thicker than the other. I can not see any barbels on either of them and I have seen the larger one chase some of its tank mates recently. I rang the shop where I purchased them and once I asked if it was possible they were Chinese algae eaters the employee got very annoyed and said they have never stocked them which has me at a bit of a loss. They are currently in a tank with my neons and platys and I would hate for them to be hurt. Sorry for the quality of the photos, it is hard to get them to sit for a good photo shoot. Thank you so much for all and any help in advance.

I think you're right.
Reactions like theseb are often caused by a lack of knowledge. To sell fish as Suckerfish is another one
I am with @DoubleDutch

That has all the markings of a Chinese....definitely needs to be removed from the aquarium since they go off algae in maturity and prefer slime coat from tankmates and are very aggressive.

CAE's should not be sold at all...and to label them just as a "suckerfish" is absolutely criminal cos they do so much damage and most shops know that - even if they do try to plead ignorance alot of the time. The shopworker getting annoyed with you is an admission that they knew what the fish was and hoped customers wouldn't find out
I think the news is all bad, please only buy fish from a shop that knows what the fish are. In some cases, this will mean a Latin name as well as the common name
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

They are both Chinese algae eaters. Return them and get a mystery snail or bristlenose catfish (assuming it's a tropical tank).
Thank you all so so so much for confirming what I thought, I was the sucker here. I will call the fish shop in the morning and discuss my issue. I feel very annoyed at them right now, first and last time I trust them with fish.

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