hello all


Fish Crazy
Feb 26, 2017
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hi thinking of starting an aquarium so I guess this is the place to be!!!
Welcome. If you are thinking of starting an aquarium you can start by reading up on cycling. This is how a tank is prepared for fish (you don't simply fill an aquarium with water and put fish in).

Of course you will need an aquarium I would recommend an aquarium of at least 10 gallons. Tank size determine on how many fish you can add. For smaller tanks you generally stock them with smaller fish that have a smaller maximum size. This link below will help.


Other things you should consider are:
  1. is this a schooling fish? Many schooling fish prefer a school of at least 6.
  2. are two different fish comparable? Some fish like to be solitary while others are territorial or predatory.
  3. What type of water do you have hard or soft ware? Soft water is comparable with a large number of fish available. Hard water may limit your choices. Look for your water utility water quality report on line and post that with a request for stocking advice. If you cannot find the report you can buy test kits for GH (general hardness), (KH) Alkalinity), and PH.

I would recommend making a new post so you can list what you are considering and get feedback on that an dmanybe ask for other suggestions.

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