Healing a wound Texas Cichlid


New Member
Oct 2, 2002
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Yesterday while I attempted to change out the water my Texas Cichild decided to jump and somehow scraped head. It has a small part of the skin dangling. Not a gash.

My questions are;

1) Can I net him and use Iodine to help heal the wound?

2) what fungus/bacteria infection should I look out for due to the wound?

Any help would be appreciated

lol sorry not laughing at you,it's just the same thing happened to me and a member at another forum.
it's no big deal just add some salt (aquarium salt)and keep the temp up,these guy's heal pretty quick.

oh!! no iodine :crazy:

meds can do more harm than good imo,salt and stresscaot is all i use and it has been working just fine.
Hi CoQui and Welcome,

First off do not try to remove the skin that is "dangling"

Your main concern would be a fungus infection followed by a possible secondary bacterial infection.

Several things you can use as an aid would be:

1. Dick Boyds Vitachem. This is a liquid vitamin made for fish. It is excellant at healing wounds.

2. Melafix. This is also a natural supplement in liquid form that works well.

The most improtant thing right now to remember is KEEP THE TANK WATER CLEAN!!!!!

Do water changes every 3-4 days this will help keep down the possibility off fungal attacks.

I would not recommend iodine. I have heard it used before, but don't recommend it.

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