Harlequin Rasbora - White Fin Is Sticking Out


Life, Liberty & Pursuit of the perfect fish tank
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Apr 4, 2011
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Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
Well, I was watching my fish today and one of the harlequins has a pectoral (I believe that is the one in question) that is white and is sticking out pretty much perpendicular to the rest of the body. It seems to be swimming fine, eating, etc. What could this be?

Tank is 30inchX18inchX24inch - 56 US gallon tank
pH: 6.6
NH3: 0ppm
NO2: 0ppm
NO3: 20ppm
kH: 3
gH: 5
temp: 74F

Volume and Frequency of water changes:
I completed a 30% water change on Monday. I just did a 2-3 gallon water change to remove old plant debris - Some of my anacharis has been melting, the rest is thriving now.
(My tank is a fairly new set-up, with newly cycled media and some added mature media when the rescues came.) I had a small ammonia spike (0.25ppm) on Monday and lost one panda cory and one rasbora at that time.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:
8 harlequin rasboras, 5 panda cories, 2 zebra danios

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
All are fairly recent. 3 harlequins, 2 pandas, 2 zebras added Tuesday of last week. 6 harlequins, 4 pandas added last Thursday. Two Java ferns added about 2 hours ago.

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible): Not possible - glare is too bad and its day time here. No chance at diminishing that for now.

Additional information: the harlequin in question can move the fin, and it is one of the most recent additions (juvenile size).

Fin looks MORE white than before. The fish still seems to be swimming around easily - just managed to get some flake food. BUT, I am concerned. Could it be fin rot? Could it be a fungus? Why would it be noticably worse after just a few hours? What steps do I need to take?

This is the emergency section, right? Help please. :unsure:
Well, barring any advice from the folks here I had to do SOMETHING, so I am currently treating the tank with Melafix. I figure the Melafix can't do any harm, and it might just help. (Obviously there is no carbon in the filter, but I figured I would let everyone know that so that no one asks.)
Sorry that no one came to help :/ I didnt want to say anything incase it was wrong, but the only thing i can think of that turns the fins white is finrot or fungus, but the fungus would be evident on other parts of the fish by now, if not other fish.

I think treating with melafix, reducing the amount you feed and frequent waterchanges are the way to go right now.

Hope the fish recovers and sorry again no one offered any advice, myself included :/
I didnt really know what to suggest, the thread came over as if an earthquake had hit and it was the end of the world. :D

In all honesty, i would just leave it be for a week and see what happens. Its pretty hard to identify what it is exactly.
Thanks. I am going to continue the Melafix for the full week. The directions given on the package say not to change the water during the treatment. So, I will not change the water during this treatment. I'll change the water at the end of the week as directed and I will keep the feedings down during treatment.

Sorry if I came on too strong Tizer. I lost a panda and a harlequin on Monday night. I really don't want to lose another one.

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