Hamfist's 150G Ca/sa Community Journal

Well, I got the overhead flash working and it has certainly helped bring out the real colours of the fish a bit, although has not transformed things quite as I was hoping. Here's some pics from this morning. Biff was hiding, so I'll get him later !

First Flower, my little V.bifa, who has put on a lOAD of weight in the last month


Then Arnold, the steinie, who is also packing on the pounds !



And his team-mate, John, the S.leucosticta ...

Lastly, the sevs. Jeeves, of course and Errol (who was Elouise, but is now clearly a male). He's definately a rotkeil of some sort, but actually looks unlike any other rottie I have seen. He has virtually no vertical bars, even when stressed. I now have a female from the same batch in another tank, who again has no barring at all. She has a fully turquoise face and a nice fully pale red body, and is developing her more intense red shoulder.


At last, after playing around several times today with lighting and lenses I finally have a half decent shot of Biff, my choc - the grumpy old man of the tank ......


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