Hair Algae Help!


Jul 21, 2011
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I was gone for 10 days on vacation. My mom fed all my tanks for me while I was gone. I got home and saw hair algae all over my 10 gallon community tank. The current stock is 2 platys, 1 endler, and 4 neons.. It had a tiny bit before I left, but I didn't think anything of it. My other 10 gallon has a little inside the filter intake tube. These 2 tanks are right next to each other. They are by a west facing window (terrible, I know) because I don't have another place for them right now. In about a week they will move to the other side of the room.
I siphoned the gravel really well and tried scrubbing the decor. I got some of the algae off, but not much at all. I also rinsed the filter in old tank water so I didn't kill any bacteria, but there may still be some algae spores in it. My uncle had this same stuff in his tank not too long ago. He soaked everything in bleach for a few hours and it hasn't come back. I figure I should try since it worked so well for his tank.
I am going to soak the decor in a bleach solution for 5-6 hours tonight. I was thinking 1/2 cup bleach and 10 cups water. That's 1:20. Then I'll rinse them very well and let them soak in water treated with prime overnight. I'll let them dry out in the morning (I have class 9:30-11) and add them to my tank tomorrow afternoon. Does this sound good? 
I could pull out the gravel, but I don't have a way to let it dry out. Will soaking it in bleach and prime be ok? I'll probably do 2 prime soaks on the gravel just to be safe.
This is the algae I'm fighting.
That's black brush algae, caused by fluctuating CO2 levels like doing WC's with lights on, is this something you do?
LOL  A good remedy for that kind of algae is a couple nerite snails.  They are one of the few critters that eat that stuff up.  I personally don't mind it in my tanks as long as it stays on the ornaments and driftwood.  Once it starts getting on the plants though that is when it becomes a problem.  Although I haven't had that issue since adding the snails.
I just embrace the algae and make it my own..
I just embrace the algae and make it my own..
:lol: Reminds me of the movie, Wanderlust if you've seen it?
You're really going to have your work cut out getting rid of this stuff but I haven't seen any mention of plants so I guess that's an advantage for you. The bleach could make a difference but there's still going to be some in there that's going to grow back so it might end up being pointless.
If you're not injecting CO2, not doing any water changes for a while could help. This is because tap water has CO2 dissolved in it meaning water changes will only help the algae to grow. Increased water flow may also help with good surface movement. 
It just about overtook my 55g and 29g. I also have some in my 20g but only on a couple of the rocks and I actually like it there. I think the shrimps take care of any on the plants in that tank.
I cut my lighting in half, both by time and by wattage, I cut my feedings in half, started doing water changes with the lights off (which I hadn't known made a difference before) and the good news is that I don't have any new BBA growing. I've removed a lot of leaves from my plants and they're starting to grow back with no BBA. I've had to use a scrubbie to remove it from some of my heartier plants and have to do one last scrub in the 29g. What a pain in the neck.
Hi. I had terrible trouble with this type of algae and my tank ended up looking like a black mess. I was advised to examine the phosphate levels in my water and discovered with a test kit that our tap water starts off with a very high reading. I bought a resin powder made by a well known company (not sure if I can say the name) F, which you put in the canister filter in a muslin type bag. I have also reduced my feeding and only feed every other day. The results have been great. The tank is so much cleaner and the algae has virtually gone - none on plants. I regularly check the phosphate level because the resin stuff will need to be replaced in time. What interests me is that I haven't read on the forum about reducing phosphate so I wondered if any one else has any thoughts about it. Knowing this hobby, reducing phosphates could cause me all sorts of other problems??
Please do say the name! The only time we refrain from mentioning a company is when somebody is bashing them. 
I have a terrible hair algae problem and I'd like to know if I can get that product here in the states. So glad it's working for you!
Hello in Minesota. It's made by Fluval and it's called 'Fluval LAB SERIES Phosphate Remover'. The tub has many languages on it suggesting that it's available across Europe so i would have thought you could get it in the states. Fluval is a very well known aquarist company over here - is it in the US? I'll copy some of the details on the tub for you:
'Fluval Lab Series Phosphate Remover rapidly absorbs large quantities of phosphate, silicate and dissolved organics without leaching absorbed substances. Maintaining low levels of phosphate will result in a cleaner, healthier aquarium.
* Phosphate Remover contains FerricOxide, an iron based phosphate binder ideal for use in aquarium filters.
*150g removes up to 20mg/L (ppm) of phosphate in a 50 US gal (189L) aquarium.
* Will not affect pH or hardness.'
The mention of US gals suggests it might be available where you are!?
Good luck!
Ha! I've been to that LFS a number of times, and just sent my step-daughter there to start her first setup for her classroom. Unfortunately it's about 350 miles away!
Good news is that the product is widely available. So is the phosphate test kit. Just have to scrape together the money. But I'll just bet that's what my problem is!
I hope you have the same level of success that I've had. My surprise has been that I haven't read in any discussions about algae problems, the part that phosphate plays in its development. Let me know!
I haven't read anything about phosphate in that regard either, and I just have no end to my algae problems. I've finally stopped the BBA growth (although it isn't yet removed from all my plants) but now this cursed hair algae has started up and I'm at my wit's end!

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