Guppies With Stripes?

This Old Spouse

TOTM Winner May 2013
Dec 12, 2010
Reaction score
Has anyone seen male guppies with vertical stripes on the body? I have two that have developed this, and they both have chartreuse and black tails, but these odd vertical stripes on the back half of the body, and horizontal stripes on the front half.

I'll get pics up as soon as my hubby gets home with his super-duper pro camera.
Yes, this is not an unusual colouration.
Can we get those pictures up please? I am looking forward to seeing the color pattern that has you intrigued. Kitty Kat may well be right but any interesting color patten is just that, it is interesting to me.
This is a little disappointing because you can't really see how striking the pattern is.

This shows the contrast with the other fish:
Ah that is pretty unusual ha, although he does like healthy so I shouldn't think it was anything wrong.... however I'm no expert so don't take that for granted. Must admit it does look cool due to its unique colouring from any other I've seen
There are actually three that have the vertical stripes ... I'd never seen that before. Very healthy and curious. I like them a lot! It'll be interesting to see what happens in another couple of months or so.
No, it definitely isn't snakeskin, but it almost certainly has both snakeskin and zebrinus (bar pattern) genes.
Those look to me like "tiger endlers". The fish are a cross between guppies and true endlers and have some rather striking beauty to them. The vertical stripes are often quite pronounced in those fish and the better ones among them demand a high price at my local fish auctions.

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