Guppies how do I care for them

Honey Fish

Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2021
Reaction score
Torrance, CA
Ok Iā€™m getting guppies I have a 10 gallon tank so I have a few questions

1. How many should I put in?
2. Males? Females? Both?
3. Should I add tank mates?
4. What plants should a put in?
5. Also please include a basic care guide

My water info

I have hard water at 127 ppm
I have a ph my PH is around the 7 area 7.85 at most

I am starting to cycle very soon in the next few weeks
Okay! Long time guppy owner and breeder here.
1. In a ten gallon tank Iā€™d go with no more than 5. I have five in my heavily planted Walstad filtered tank.
2. In a tank that size itā€™s IMPERATIVE you only keep males. Females are usually stored with males at the store and can store sperm for months. You WILL be over run with baby guppyā€™s and you will HATE it. So makes only!!!!
3. If your keeping them in a ten gallon tank Iā€™d say no to tank mates besides snails and shrimp. :)
4. I find that my guppies love floaters and guppy grass. Of course any plant is fine.
5. Basic care for guppies is extremely simple. Feed them, do a weekly water change and keep their tank clean. They will thrive for you and as far as I know guppies arenā€™t prone to disease anymore than any other fish. These guys enjoy a boiled cucumber or carrot as a treat. They do well with snails as a tank mate and are generally peaceful
I would get only males, unless you want to populate multiple tanks or are breeding on purpose. Female guppies will pop out babies (5 to 100) every month for 10 months, even after any males are removed - so that has to be taken into consideration.

I would say maybe 5 to 7 adult fish in a 10 gallon tank.
As far as hardness goes, I know that 150+ is generally where guppy fish are most happy, but an expert can give you better advice on that front.
Ya, don't keep females and males, nein, nein, nein...
LOL when I kept 2 males and 2 females in my 10 gallon, they bred when I was on holiday šŸ¤£
Regarding care, they are very easy. Feed the some flakes(don't do pellets unless they are soaked and mushed, mine nearly choked) frozen food is recommended. Make sure you have a spare quarantine tank.
And if you do not have any guppy nightmares, you are very lucky...
ok, I think I will do 5 males and 3 snails I just got back from getting plants for the tank. and is a 5-gallon filter a have now ok until I get a sponge filter from amazon it will be here tomorrow.
I agree with only males, and five or six. Sand or gravel won't matter to guppies, they are not substrate fish, and with this small a tank you haven't room for substrate fish in hardish water. Set the tank up, filter, heater, light. If you plant it, that can do the cycling. Adding ammonia with plants in the tank is something I don't recommend as it can easily harm the plants. Either fishless cycling then plant, or plant and once they are growing add the fish (no "cycling" this method).
I did get some plants can I put the mini-filter in and the plants today and when the other stuff comes can I do that?
I don't have a heater yet... or substrate... or the best filter... or light

The plants are not likely to last long without light (a light over the tank). Temperature is a factor in cycling so this may be slow without a heater, depending upon the temperature of the air in the room (tank water will be the same temperature as the air without a heater).

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