gravid gourami?


Feb 24, 2004
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Kent, UK
I used to have a pair of moonlight gouramis but now only have one as the male died unfortunately . Now, she has been very plump for about 2 months and I think she may be gravid. I heard that the male builds the nest and she lays her eggs in it. If there is no male, will she become "eggbound"? help me please! I dont want to lose my gourami!
Dont worry it wont hurt your gourami if she never mates. In the wild some Gourami live there whole life and never breed.
but she is already pregnant, or I suspect so, anyway. so if the male isnt around, the bubblenest wont be built? so she wont lay her eggs then what will happen to her?
She isnt pregnant, she just has eggs inside of her, they arent fertilized so she wont lay them. Not mating is not going to give you Gourami and trouble
but she was bulgy way before the male died - thinking 6 weeks? before he died so its very possible she could be pregnant.
the female will lay drop her eggs and he will put them into the nest and ferilize them there. the gourami's don't have to mate to make her have eggs. the eggs inside her will not hatch because they aren't fertilized by the male. if you get a male now he could make a nest and fertilize her eggs.

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