Gourami and bubble nest


Feb 24, 2004
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Yorkshire (UK)
My honey Gourami has made its first bubble nest under a leaf which kind of floats on the water surface i have had him about seven week along with i think a female one i got at same time.The male has been acting kind of strange the last few days and hanging out in the corner just under the bubble nest and only comes out to feed and to chase the female away.I have noticed she seems to be a little fatter than she was but dont know if shes just eaten more than the other :unsure:
This is the first bubble nest he has made i just wonderd if there was a reason for this or is it just normal behaviour?i'm a bit confused as to why hes guarding it?
Sue :dunno:
They make them when they are horny or just happy :rofl:

He will build his nest and when it's done he will try to lure the female to it and mate with hem. But as long as he is building he will case off the female.

There is one exeption...if the female doesn't want to wait for him to finish she will try and nip/push at his belly. If she succeeds the male ( most cases) will no longer see her as a enemy but as a mate and will usually mate with her directly.

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