got my first fish!


Fish Connoisseur
Apr 5, 2005
Reaction score
Southampton, uk
Got my first fish- thanks everybody who advised me, and for the help about fishless cycling etc. :D

We ended up with:

in the 70 ltrs:

5 pepper cories - they didn't have metae and I didn't want to risk pandas

(will add dwarf gouramis next week)

in the 60 ltrs:

3 platies (1 male, 2 females, assorted colours)
3 guppies (as above; let daughter choose those)

(will let them add to themselves)

Was a bit worried about the cories when doing the acclimatising, as they took it in turns to float to the top of the bag and look shellshocked- and I didn't improve matters by dropping one of them one the sideboard when netting them out of the bag! :eek: Gosh it's a nerve-racking business, this fishkeeping! Almost worse than bringing home a new baby (come to think of it, I managed to drop my daughter on her head when she was new...). Still, no harm done (to fish or daughter)- all 5 cories were happily exploring the tank 5 minutes after escaping from the bag. Perhaps they were getting a bit low on oxygen in there.

The guppies and platies shot straight out and started eating my brown algae. I didn't know they did that! And there I was dutifully not feeding them because I thought they needed settling in. And they were all expecting a welcoming banquet! Can't win, can you?

Anyway, just wanted to share my news- thanks everybody! :D
congratulations!! The fun has just begun :D

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