Got Me A Fire-bellied Newt! Can U Sex It?

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Leader Of The Seahorse's!
Dec 2, 2006
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Hey,i got a fire-bellied newt today :hyper: As soon as i let him out of the bag,he swam right to the top of the tank,and climbed on top of the filter,where my African Dwarf Frog usually hangs;is this because hes 'basking'? What sorta means of 'entertainemnt' do u give yours? And,the most important question ive wanted to know...can you handle it?And how do you sex it?
You defiantly shouldent handle it apart from when moving it or in emergency's. And they need land to climb out onto(more than a filter) and cooler water :good: .
entertainment wise they will eat live food but are slow so your other fish will probably get there first. you can make a raft for them with cork. as they prefer colder water and frozen foods i have found a good companion for them is the hillstream loach, sometimes called hong kong plecs, as their requirements match.
Thanks for the replies! They all seem fine,the african dwarf frog hasnt shown any 'interest' in him,in fact they sometimes share the coconut cave :hyper: I might consider moving the ADF to my community tank and get another newt friend :D In fact,ill move the ADF after ive got rid of the whitespot off my newly bought neon tetras :shout:
If i add a pic of him would you be able to tell me if its a male or female,i cant tell which is which :)
Here he is-



Can u tell if hes male or female?
ok if you must handle your newt then you absolutly have to wash your hand very well prior to handeling it, and DO NOT USE SOAP or any other cleaner for that matter!!!!!

The males of many species of newt during the breeding season develop swollen vents, broadly keeled tails, black cornified toe tips and black ridges and pads on the inner thighs (above pic). I believe that this is the case for fire-bellied newts, but I'm not certain.
if ur gunna handle ur FB newt (god i LUV them!), ALLWAYS wash ur hands, but cuz of chemicals and stuff, don't use soap, and dry ur hands very well. Ur FB newt is a gurl, congratulations! :D

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