Got A 10 Gal, Yay! ... Now What?


Fish Crazy
Aug 23, 2013
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Hi All,
I didn't think I'd get a 10 gal till Nov or so, but I was doing my back to school shopping at Walmart and right across from the 17 cent 1 subject notebooks was the pet aisle - and right in my line of vision was a 10 gal for $13.97 - woohoo!
Currently [in case you haven't seen my other posts
], I have a betta in a 2 gal (too small I've learned from you all) and 2 African Dwarf Frogs in a 5 gal. I am going to list what I have in the two tanks now in a bulleted list plus what I've ordered on Amazon so you can help me plan my next steps

Betta tank:
ADF tank:
  • Medium sized castle with lots of hidey holes (similar to this one)
  • 3 medium sized silk plants
  • 1 submerged "betta log"
  • 1 little teracota plate (for their dinner)
  • 1 Hydro 25 watt submersible heater
  • 1 thermometer
  • 1 filter - mini might ... came with the tank, is loud, and splashes everywhere
    had it for over almost a month - not a cycled tank.
I had placed an order for things in the betta tank this weekend and luckily they hadn't shipped yet, so I changed my order last night for stuff that is hopefully more suitable to the bigger tank:
  • betta spa (because my poor betta has some fin damage thanks to my preschooler)
  • 1 Hydro 50 watt submersible heater
  • 1 sponge filter
  • 1 whisper 20 air pump (I've read somewhere that the max on the air pump/filter you use should be higher than the tank max ... so a 20 gal max air pump for a 10 gal tank? ) 
  • The 25 ft tubing to go with the air pump (why isn't all this stuff sold together if it's needed to work together?)
other supplies:
  • API ammonia test kit
  • water dechlorinator
My goal is to leave the ADFs in their 5 gal setup and have the 10 gal divided in 3 with 1 male betta in each partition. I plan to do a fishless cycle.
My questions for you all:
  1. Is the sponge filter I got big enough for 10 gal? (there is nothing to say which size that I could find)
  2. I know I need the other tests (essentially the master test kit) ... what else given what I have for a fishless cycle?
  3. I was ordering the heater for my betta in his 2 gal as his water temp currently ranges mostly in 76-78 but can go as low as 74 and as high as 80. now that I got the 50 watt for the 10 gal, can I use it in the small 2 gal while the other tank is cycling, or will I cook my fish? Should I switch the 50 watt to the 5 gal and the 25 watt to the 2 gal temporarily while the 10 gal cycles? - the hydro I have runs hot: I have it set to 76 and the tank thermometer reads 80
  4. Leave the 2 gal unfiltered with daily water changes (because of the fin damage)? I can't spend on another filter anytime soon.
  5. Any other supplies I should think about?
  6. The frogs have plenty of coverage in their tank, should I move something (plant/log ... probably not castle) to the betta?
I have other questions, but those can wait a while (like possible plants for the 10 gal).
Thank you all for the advice!
Firstly you are going to need the nitrite and nitrate test kits and if you dont have it the pH but i am guessing you have that :).  As for the heaters, you are going to need a heater in the cycling tank so that you can keep the temperature at about 78 degrees Fahrenheit for the bacteria becuse if it is not heated and the temp falls to low then the bacteria will die. 
tmoney7 said:
As for the heaters, you are going to need a heater in the cycling tank so that you can keep the temperature at about 78 degrees Fahrenheit for the bacteria becuse if it is not heated and the temp falls to low then the bacteria will die.
Bummer :p
Yep, as said you'll also want nitrite. 
Did you already get ammonia for cycling the tank?
No I haven't gotten ammonia yet ... I also need to get nitrite? Or is that part of the cycle? (I have read the pinned post on cycling a tank (twice), I just have a terrible memory.
I'm sorry, nitrite test >.< I just woke up :p

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