good tank mates for angel fish ?

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Jul 25, 2019
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hello ! i just adopted a really pretty pair of angelfish from a friend who is moving. i am cycling a 30 gallon for them since she kept them in a 10 gallon for nearly 3 years ! i am wondering about some great tank mates for angel fish. i am looking for good catfish/bottom feeders, as well as some other fish that live well with angel fish. thank u in advance for answering ! : )
Corydoras catfish do well with angelfish. This is a shoaling species so a group is needed, and here I would suggest 7 up to maybe 12.

Upper level fish are a bit more of an issue. You need to avoid linear fish as angelfish frequently see these as food. You need to avoid active fish as this annoys angelfish which are sedate. Any fish prone to fin nip must be avoided. In a larger tank, all this could be accommodated with a group of one of the disk-shaped tetras, such as Hyphessobrycon bentosi, H. rosaceous, etc. The problem here is the tank size. A pair of angelfish--and I assume this is a bonded male/female pair or perhaps two females, since both are still alive together after three years--in a 30 gallon is getting tight. This fish should asttain six inches body length with a vertical fin span of 8 inches. That doesn't leave much space. And if this is a male/female bonded pair, they will spawn.

Three years in a 10g may have caused serious harm to the angelfish. Let's hope not.
Corydoras catfish do well with angelfish. This is a shoaling species so a group is needed, and here I would suggest 7 up to maybe 12.

Upper level fish are a bit more of an issue. You need to avoid linear fish as angelfish frequently see these as food. You need to avoid active fish as this annoys angelfish which are sedate. Any fish prone to fin nip must be avoided. In a larger tank, all this could be accommodated with a group of one of the disk-shaped tetras, such as Hyphessobrycon bentosi, H. rosaceous, etc. The problem here is the tank size. A pair of angelfish--and I assume this is a bonded male/female pair or perhaps two females, since both are still alive together after three years--in a 30 gallon is getting tight. This fish should asttain six inches body length with a vertical fin span of 8 inches. That doesn't leave much space. And if this is a male/female bonded pair, they will spawn.

Three years in a 10g may have caused serious harm to the angelfish. Let's hope not.
thank u so much for letting we know this ! this isn’t very helpful, what kind of corys would u recommend ? cuz isn’t there like .. many types of corys? again, thank u so much : ) !
I have a 29 gallon where I keep a mated angel pair with 4 Juili Corydoras (they stay small) and four Bolivian rams. I created caves for the rams, which they use to hide when the Angels lay eggs. It’s been a wonderful tank to watch. Bolivian rams stay towards the bottom and are not fast movers. So much fun creating a good environment!!!

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Corydoras catfish do well with angelfish. This is a shoaling species so a group is needed, and here I would suggest 7 up to maybe 12.

Upper level fish are a bit more of an issue. You need to avoid linear fish as angelfish frequently see these as food. You need to avoid active fish as this annoys angelfish which are sedate. Any fish prone to fin nip must be avoided. In a larger tank, all this could be accommodated with a group of one of the disk-shaped tetras, such as Hyphessobrycon bentosi, H. rosaceous, etc. The problem here is the tank size. A pair of angelfish--and I assume this is a bonded male/female pair or perhaps two females, since both are still alive together after three years--in a 30 gallon is getting tight. This fish should asttain six inches body length with a vertical fin span of 8 inches. That doesn't leave much space. And if this is a male/female bonded pair, they will spawn.

Three years in a 10g may have caused serious harm to the angelfish. Let's hope not.
also don’t cory’s need a really fine substrate ? bc i have like a layer of fertilizing dirt and sand under a layer of the standard size gravel. i thought large substrate dmages the corys’ barbs but idk i’m right idk a lot about corys but i’ll look into them more
Corydoras catfish need sand substrate. While they can "survive" over gravel, they will not "thrive" as they filter the sand through their gills. So I would not consider cories here.

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