Ghost Shrimp Advice

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Fish Fanatic
Feb 29, 2004
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curled up in a shell
School Project- Okay, so we're (Me and my two 'table memebers') are trying to see if we can change the color of ghost shrimp by exposing them to colored light. I don't think it's going to work, but I'm keeping my mouth shut about that. We've got a 10 gallon tank, 2 crayfish (approx. 3"), a bacteria bed, a few floating plants, aeration, heater, undergravel filter, 3 hiding spaces, red/green color light (not sure yet), color enhancing tetra flakes, 1 1.5" guppie, and approx. 20 .5"-1.5" freshwater ghost shrimp. The ghost shrimp are still at home with me. The crayfish are in there because....... uh, I don't know. The guppie's in there because nobody's bothered to take it out. Which is fine with me. The guppie, for some unknown reason, has not been eaten yet. Any advice?
You better watch the crayfish, because they eat everything inculding other fish and those shrimps.

He might eat all your specimen :eek:
you may be better off with the green light as I think that fish etc don't see red light as it is used to view some nocturnal fish etc cos they think it's still dark when the red light is on.

just something you may need to consider if you're wanting the fish etc to react to the light colour... they won't react if they can't see it!

good luck

Thanks. The ghost shrimp were moved in today. However, one of my crawfish has started eating some of the shrimp. That's not a big problem right now, but is there anyway I can prevent the crawfish from eating them without removing it from the tank? If not, how often will it eat the shrimp, and how many will it eat? It's about 3.5" long and 1.5 across. It probably hasn't eaten for........ 2 weeks (it was used by another group before it was transferred to my tank). We have lots of tetra flakes available, and there are lots of hiding places for the shrimp, but they're not using them. Should I feed it something else? The other crayfish has not eaten any. At least I don't think it has.

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