Getting 2 Otos

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Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
West Country - England
Hi everyone

I'm off to the lfs later today to collect 2 x otos that he has put aside for me. :D :D I think i read somewhere on TFF that they take longer to aclimatise, :-( have you got any advice please??

Also I am setting up a small 2.6 gallon tank for my fry, someone mentioned a sponge filter, can anyone tell me how a sponge filter works.

The new fry tank I have, currently has an undergravel filter and there is an air stone that fits on the end of the hose which I believe is then placed in the bottom of the tube that then clips into the gravel tray.

:fun: :fun:
I have three Oto's myself, and I can only tell you what my Oto's are like.

You'll need a mature tank to keep them in.
They're onmivorous and can feed on other things on top of algae
They're a bit like gobies as in they like to hide themselves away on surfaces
They're docile and can get picked on by more aggressive fishes.
They're quite active and love a little space for themselves.

Hope this helps. :)
they like clean water.
do a water change before
i got 2 otos and a raimbow shark. I always see them 2 otos being chased by my shark. really funny how they chase each other :lol: . My rainbow shark hides in the pagoda and the oto just comes in and then he chases it out and then the other oto comes in and just settles in his place. Funny. Yea their pretty active. They eat pretty much anything. I saw one of my platys crap and the oto came to it and started eating it :crazy: . Looked like it was eating spegatti or something.hah
Make sure the ones you get don't have any torn or worn fins... and make sure the employee doesn't rough them up in the process of trying to catch them.
I find that they like to be in numbers of 3 or more. NO salt. I learned the hard way.. but it was also a discus emergency so I wasn't really thinking about my otos. I've found that they are NOT difficult to acclimatize... but there are probably other factors (age of tank, water parameters etc.) to this. And.. HAVE FUN!

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