Geriatric Amano Shrimples


Moderate Pleco Tolerator
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Apr 2, 2021
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I read online that they only live for about 3 years or so...I'm sure mine is coming up to 5? I have 2 females and 3 of the females I know I've had a long time.

She's in good shape and every time I spot her she's carrying eggs.

Has anyone else got old Amanos that are still going strong?
I had a female that was 6 years old when she finally died when I treated the tank for worms with Sera Nematol. The others I bought at the same time did not live that long.

Edit - I should have said she'd been in my tank for 6 years as I have no idea how old she was when I bought them.
Yeah, I've had a bunch of them make it to at least five...I sort of lose track after that. I think the three year figure is one of those "facts" that started out as someone's best guess, and now it's been repeated so many times, everybody believes it must be true.
Has anyone tried to breed them? I imagine it's a huge pain in the butt trying to get the salt ratio just right...they've gone up in price over here quite dramatically. In fact, EVERYTHING has gone up in price over here 🧐

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