Fussy Kids?

On a similar topic, has anyone got any sneaky ways of getting them to eat eggs? I'm making pancakes almost every day to make sure she's getting them, but she just refuses anything else. Even the novelty of collecting them from her grandads eglu hasn't convinced her. And now she's developed an aversion to anything fried, (except the pancakes, and thats only a matter of time!), so even eggy breads out of the question
Home made pasta has eggs in although a minimal amount, or even home made carbonara?
Loads of protein and you can put at least one egg per serving in....
Prepare your eggs,1 per person, mix them up with a fork and add black pepper to taste.
Add your salt to the pasta water,but always just as it comes to the boil or you'll lose its flavour.
Grate some pecorino or parmesan or use the plastic stuff you get pre-packaged
(I'd advise parmesan and lots of it, it'll hide the eggy taste...)
Again add the amount you think is going to taste best, you can't really have too little and you'd need a ridiculous amount to have too much.
Fry some diced bacon/pancetta/proscuttio preferably in oil and then add a little butter just as it gets to your desired colour
At the same time as:
Boiling your pasta (home made with a little nutmeg does wonders for the sauce)
Take your bacon pan off the heat
Pour the pasta (minus water :lol: ) into the bacon pan chuck your cheese first then your eggs in stir like crazy until it begins to thicken, when it runs thick or your pasta becomes pasted together with sauce stick it straight (you'll end up with scrambled egg and bacon pasta otherwise) onto a HOT plate.
Its not as easy as it sounds but after two trys you should have it down to an art, i find transferring the pan on and off the still hot cooking ring speeds up the process and once you've got the knack, you'll be able to judge by eye when to move it on and off, but make sure you don't undercook or you'll end up poisoning everyone.....
cheap, tasty and with a bit of patience dead easy.
I know what yor going through,my youngest one is very fussy.pickles,peanut butter on bread,hot dogs and cheese pizza and thats about it .Well at least hes consistent,my oldest one changes his mind every other day on what he likes,yesterday he said he didnt like waffles anymore?after 12 years he just decided he didnt like them anymore.I really dont remember doin that kind of stuff as a child,well except for liver and onions.I'm sure my mom would have something different to say about that.
insert a thank you here
just like to say to LisaLQ you're welcome :fun:
Sorry for not being on here for a bit - and sorry for not saying thank you (subtle Wolf, subtle lol), just been all hell on here and to be honest forgot about this thread lol.

Thanks for all the ideas and suggestions. You're absolutely right Alice, that's how we were raised (and the "if you dont eat it you'll get it later/tomorrow til you do" rule too), it's just so hard with these three. They will literally go days without food doing this - and they're not exactly overweight as it is!

I'll have a proper read of the thread again later, but just wanted to say thank you seeing as someone so subtley hinted that I was an ungrateful b*tch :rolleyes: Quite the opposite - as I said - I have triplets, two other kids, pets and am currently battling another flare up pain wise - I'm not ungrateful if I dont reply - I'm just bloody busy!
I have to agree with the wiggly one and FKNM, if they dont eat it then let them starve and serve them the same thing until they eat it, i was brought up that way and our son gets the same treatment now, hunger is the best medicine with things like this. Admitedly there are some foods that certain people really just cannot eat and no one should be forced into those but basic vegetables like brocoli, green beans, peas and carrots are something everyone can eat and have no aquired tastes.

Will they eat things like spaggetti bolognese or chillie ? Tomato based sauce dishes like these can be used to hide all sorts of vegetables by blitzing the sauce in a blender until its completely smooth and then pushing it through a seive to remove any tell tale bits before you add it to the meat. They are also ideal meals for large families as large batches can be made up with little extra effort

If they like mashed potato try chucking a bit of swede or parsnip in with the potato when its cooking and mash it all together, see them try and pick the veggies out of that :lol

Arfie also has a point on the cooking idea, as a kid i absolutely hated cabbage but now i love the stuff, the reason why is because my mum used to boil it into a soggy green mush where as it should really just be steamed or boiled for a few minutes. Many vegetables start to give up their sugars within a few minutes of cooking and when over cooked become bland and tasteless, if you dont already then try to only cook the vegetables until they are just tender and still have a bit of crunch to them. Younger vegetables also taste better than older ones and especially with root vegetables, always pick the smaller pieces from the box and leave large chunky ones in the shop.
sorry lisa, i got bored waiting for you to get back to this thread.
my post was ment in jest and I hope it was taken that way :nod:
Yes I did Wolfie m'dear, hence the "lol" and rolly eyes ;)

I can assure folks it's not my cooking - because it's the same whoever cooks/wherever we eat. Besides, my hubby does the cooking - I do the sighing and hair pulling ;)

I must add that these three are exceptionally far behind in their development, so allowances have to be made for that. I'm still feeding them their brekkie some days (ie. from their bowl, not literally feeding as in breast feeding - ew - they're 4!), and they only started having three meals a day in the last couple of months. They're not potty trained, they've not even been to nursery yet - that's how far behind they are. They're smaller than average, one has low muscle tone and bad co-ordination, and two are still in cots. This whole triplet malarkey is weighing down on me at the moment, I'm slowly losing it - I've got til September to turn them into regular 4 year olds, and I have absolutely no chance. We've had no back up from health visitors since they were 1. Seriously, we've written to them asking for their help, written complaining - nothing - not a word, let alone a home visit. Their 2 year development check was done by post - they sent out a form asking what they could do and if we had any concerns, and when we replied and said yes - please help us - we got no reply. So we gave up trying. I have regular docs appointments, and in the past have seen the health visitors walk past - they hurry past or turn away. And it's not as if they dont know us, in that first year they were here every week.

We've raised two kids with no problems whatsoever, both wonderful - ahead in class (one got the top marks in the whole year for her mock sats), and dare I say it - we did a good job with them. The triplets....I dunno. I've lost control, the lads are so naughty at bedtime/naptime they rip their carpet to pieces, spit everywhere, and scream and shout until they finally fall asleep. They're wonderful through the day - exceptionally well behaved, but they know I cant keep going up and down the stairs to tell them off and take advantage. Nothing stops them, no punishment - we've removed perks (ie if they're bad in bed - there's no special toy/treat/trip out), tried the no tea approach (after their nap - if they're naughty - there's no tea - obviously with their fussier and fussier eating - that's not an option any more), and dare I say it - they've had smacked bums in the past too (sorry folks, but there is a use for them in certain situations), doesn't make a blind bit of difference. They still do it again, every nap time, every bed time. On the very rare occasion they dont do anything naughty in bed - they are praised to the high heavens, get treats, rounds of applause, hugs, kisses, fun, games - the works. Then the next nap/bed time, they are naughty again. TBH I think they just dont give a sh*t.

I dunno. I just wish I could make things normal. :( I dont mean make them normal, as what is normal anyway? I mean the situation. I just want to be able to say they're doing what they should be, when in fact they're about 2 years behind :-(

Fecking hell. I've gone on a bit there, and it's not really cooking related, so I'll shut me trap now....sorry about that - had to get it off my chest to someone! :blush: :-(
Spaghetti, pasta cabonara (my daughter loves it), my daughter loves a bowl of peas and corns.

Some nights Isabella will just refuse dinner. We put it infront of her but there is much more exciting stuff to do like play than sit and eat.

Frankfurts, chips anything fatty they generally love.

omg Lisa I just re read your post. You have triplets! How amazing is that!

How did that come about??

And how the hell did you hold them in your tummy? I am 36 weeks 2 days pregnant with 1 (my 2nd) and I cant walk properly, cant move properly, cant sleep, get constant pains, cant bend over, the house is looking like a bomb has hit it and just want this to end NOW!! But in 20 days I will be having a c section..thankgod.

Were they born full term or early?

Sorry to be so nosy, but I have never actually met someone with triplets before.

Terri, my daughter suprisingly LOVES egg. We started her on them from early age and she asks for them alot. Also when we go to the inlaws, there is always a boiled egg sitting there waiting for her.

As for the other posts, I am not a beleiver in making a kid starve. Thats just mean. Sorry but I am allowed my opinion too.

If it means I have to cook something else, of course I would. I know I would hate to go to bed on an empty stomach, imagine a poor little kid?

Maybe just telling them there will be no dessert would be nicer than saying "dont eat it, then starve". Especially about the vegies. Kids dont generally like vegies, dont punish them, give them something else they would much rather enjoy like a lovely peice of fruit, it still has fantastic nutritional values. Also, to get vegies in, give them tomato juice or like V8 vegie juice from the supermarket.

We were raised that if we didnt like it, they cooked us something that we do like. Maybe we were just spoilt, but my husband was brought up like this too. My MIL still will cook me a different meal if I dont want to eat their curry or spicey food.

But anyway if my daughter wont eat it, I will offer her fruit later on in the night, because I know fruit will always go down. A glass of milk or chocolate milk or something will also help fill little tummies.
I have an eating disorder that everyone seemed to think I would grow out of, but it hasn't happened yet, and I'm 21. I eat maybe 3 different things and that's it.

I know it used to frustrate me when people would call me fussy, because it wasn't something I could control. If I could eat everything I would, I just don't like most things.

Just something to think about
I'm now working on training Ian to eat veg, figure I'd best do it now before we have kids as it won't look good if I try and get them to eat something that he won't eat :rolleyes:

Lisa, I won't pretend to be an expert in childcare or anything, I'm not even a mother but I do really want to help you out. Even if it's just babysitting for a night so that you guys can get a break. I figure if you've had some quality time with your hubby and a bit of a break you'd be better equipped to deal with them the next day.

I've no idea the layout of your house so it might not work, but is there anyway you can change one of the downstairs room's into a bedroom for them. Then you'd take away the advantage they have with you not being able to get up and downstairs very easily at bedtime which could make things easier.

My mum's a social worker (in a different part of the country) if you like I can speak to her about the lack of response and help your getting from the health visitors and see if she can escalate a complaint to they're superiors or something. I'm in no way saying I'm gonna ring social services on you or anything like that and I totally understand if you don't want them involved. But she's pulled strings for some of my friends in tricky situations before and got things done a bit.

Anyway if you wanna talk about any of this some more feel free to pm me. I'll help you out however I can.

You sound quite even-headed, but sometimes vitirol and action is the only way to get what you want....
Cause as much as much of a ruckus as you can, you may not want the attention but i'm sure your kids come first. Local mps may be an avenue if not the local press is another. I guarantee you with a determined and ruthless attitude you will get what support you need.
I honestly wish i lived near enough to you to be of some assistance.....
I've been through various systems the government has in place for the supposed 'care' of its public; the courts, hostelries, housing in relation to homelessness (from 15-18 years of age) and 2 years on the social before i got back on track. You ALWAYS have to fight tooth and nail. Nor can you ever stop fighting.

Don't give up, everybody has their struggles, but forget the problem and concentrate on the answer.
I'm sorry if i sound extremely patronising but you sound down and like you need a confidence boost. Don't get down get determined....
I have to agree with the wiggly one and FKNM, if they dont eat it then let them starve and serve them the same thing until they eat it,

:lol: you even use the same method to try and get your black aro to eat! :hyper:

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