Funny conversation...


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Sep 13, 2016
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This afternoon I went to an lfs and I was on the search for some female mollies. After a while of waiting before an employee was ready to help me, she asked me what I was searching for. I told her that I was interested in some female mollies that they had. She looked at me and told me that they didn't have any mollies at the store. I was amazed by that reply. For I was standing in front of the tank with mollies in it. So, I asked her: Are you sure you don't have any mollies? She replied with a firm "yes"... I started to laugh and I pointed to this specific tank. I asked her: Can you explain what I'm looking at then...? She replied: Oh, no... but those ain't mollies... those are sailfins... And no mollies, sir... And so I replied: Why can't these be mollies, if I may ask...? Because they are sailfins, sir..., she replied.

So, I told her that sailfins are also mollies. She replied: But why does the label say sailfins then...? If they're mollies, the label must say so...

I couldn't stop myself from laughing... So, I told her: You know what? Just scoop those two copper ones out for me. Then she started saying: You better take a group of five. That is better for them to be in a group of at least five. I looked at her with a speechless face... Really, a short stare... Then I asked her: If I told you that I've got other mollies at home already, would you believe me? She told me that she didn't believe me. For if I had them, I would've known the difference between a molly and a sailfin. Then one of the supervisors joined. She asked me what the problem was. And I said, that there wasn't a problem but that employees could be better instructed when it comes to fish knowledge. And that relying on labels doesn't make the world complete. But I got the two copper females that I asked for. The supervisor asked me if I was disappointed about the lack of knowledge. I told her no. For I had a good laugh...
Wow 🤯 it never ceases to amaze me, the pure ignorance. And it's hardly the employee's fault that she wasn't accurately educated on what she was selling...although, it doesn't take a genius to do a quick Google to clue oneself up so as not to look like an absolute wally!
Like I've already said: I had a good laugh...
It's more of a problem when an employee is not open for other information. It's also more a serious thing that employers are responsible for. A lot of such stores hire young people who like to earn a buck as a side job. If the employer is too lazy to instruct an employee and only tells them to look at the label or what's written on the tank those fish are in, will keep the employee unknown about the right information. Unless, the employee is pro-active her-/himself to do some study. But if it's just a side job, a lot of those youngsters don't take the time to get self-educated. I'm not talking about all youngsters for I know some that are really interested in what they're doing.

But today I went to a pet store where I met up with an old friend of mine. He was looking at those shrimps and other fish. While he paid a visit to buy some cat food, he couldn't help himself from taking a peek at the fish section. So, we talked and at some point we were standing in front of two tanks with socalled female bettas. He's thinking of getting a tank again and keep bettas. Both of us noticed that the labels on the tanks were switched. One was labeled as being delta tail bettas and the other tank as half moon bettas. Or the labels were switched or the fish were put in the wrong tanks. Then one of the employees came in who we both know. So, I asked him to stand at those two specific tanks. And asked him if he was able to see what we had seen. First he thought it was the light. So, I said: Guess again. Then he thought that the other bettas were darker colored than the ones in the other tank. Still not correct. So, we were saying look at those fish those labels on those tanks. He said: I give up!
So, we explained that the caudal of those fish says something different than the labels. So, he noticed that he had to switch those labels. And I told him, there must be some lucky customers who have bought halfmoons instead of deltas at a lower price. The halfmoons did cost more than the deltas.
Not fair to label the employee stupid. Probably a kid who needed a job and was lucky enough to get one. I'm with @emeraldking here, training is the employer's responsibility
I wasn't exactly calling them stupid directly... Just a situation that is stupid... Especially when they were so confident in saying that they knew @emeraldking was wrong when he is a professional lol.
Not the smartest of situations to be in 😅. Not calling them stupid or dumb though, sorry if that's how I came across

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