Fluke or gill rot


May 2, 2004
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England (Bedfordshire)
Hi people, i was wondering if you could help me here in treating me fish

Now the syptoms are as follows

One of my female swordtails are hanging near to the surface of the water, she aint moving around as much as normal, ever when feeding, and her gills are protruding from her head like a Betta on defense all the time and it aint a pretty sight, because it is making her head look bigger than her body

Now i was wondering, is this gill rot or flukes, because i have lost one of my female swordtails already to this and now another one has come down with it


Help me please
Gill flukes symtoms are heavy breathing, red inflamed gills and flicking and rubbing against objects, I would go with gill flukes, also add some salt if you have no scaless fish.good luck.
Salt... how much salt would you suggest?

I can put her into a smaller tank on her own, which is a 12x8x6?
There is about three teaspoons to the tablespoon, so i would guess one teaspoon should treat my small tank that i use to hospitalise, right thanks alot, i aint too sure on using salt, because i have never done this before and i dont want my fish sriverling (sp?) up... but i will give it a shot, because its either that, or she will die, because not of my treatments seem to be having any effect


And thankyou very much Wilder
Hi - sorry to hear about your fish's sad state.
My first question - is your tank cycled? Just want to check, because if it's not, your fish might be suffering from ammonia poisoning. IF SO...

Your fish probaly has gill disease. It sounds like it's in a pretty advanced state if it's puffing her gills out that much. Do you happen to have any Maracyn Two on hand? Or any other meds? She'll DEFINITELY need to be quarantined if you have other fish in your tank - right away.

Let me know what you have on hand or can get soon.
Yeah my tank has been cycled, as for that Maracyn Two, i have never heard of it, the only med i have that could possibly treat it is Methylene blue or if it is the other case Bacterial control which are the only two cure i can get for this type of illness...

My problem is very similar to this, but with my fancy goldfish. Shes having swim bladder problems, and she can't stay balanced. So far i've treated her with Melafix, Salt, rapid white spot remedy (she had some ich, gone now) broad spectrum anti fungal (because the melafix and salt aren't doing much good.

I'm going to my LFS today and i'll see what they have for internal parasites and gill infections.


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