Fishless Cycling Trouble! Any Advice Appreciated1

Is it appropriate for me to say I've got my betta and he's acclimating now? If not, pretend I didn't just say that!
It's appropriate if your ammonia and nitrites are at 0! If so, congrats!
Yes they are TOS so fingers crossed the acclimation is successful too!
Soon! When he's got used to his surroundings - don't want to startle him with flashing lights today. I'll get the camera warmed up for the morning when the tank lights are timed to come back on! lol
A quick update as the cycle has been progressing to plan, currently on Day 13 (of the restart!)
Ammonia has been 2.0ppm - 0ppm within 24 hrs (only  been checking once every 24hrs)
Nitrites first appeared on Day 9 peaked on Day 12 at 5.0ppm and just took readings at 20.00 today and ammonia & nitrites both @ 0ppm! 
I just dosed back to 2.0ppm so will check ammonia in 1 hour and then will check in the morning (around 12hrs time) to see what the readings are.
It's sounding good! Need to keep doing that for about a week in total and as long as both clear to 0 in 24hours you'll be cycled! Well the tank will! lol
If you are only putting a single betta male in there 24 hrs is sufficient and that came from a moderator.
My tank also has a young male platy from 2nd day - not planned - today (day 4) the stats are ammonia 0, nitrItes 0, ph 7.2 and nitrAtes 10-20ppm
How's it going, Welsh? Is the tank cycled yet? Did you get your shrimp?
Cycle looking good thanks.
Ammonia 2.0ppm-0ppm in under 12 hrs
Nitrite 5.0ppm - 0ppm around 15 hrs at the moment
So all being well I will be going to collect some Sakura/Fire Red Cherry on Sunday from a local breeder.
Fingers crossed!! 

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